Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

Page no. 312 of 2459       

6- Come le cose cambiano / volume a cura di Domenico Volpi
Chicago (etc.) - Field enterprises educational corporation, 1967
It's a part of > ?I ?quindici - i libri del come e del perche / direttore P. Armando Guidetti ; poi Franco Salghetti Drioli
Monographic text

9- Come si fanno le cose
Chicago (etc.) - Field enterprises educational corporation, 1968
It's a part of > ?I ?quindici - i libri del come e del perche
Monographic text

7- Come si fanno le cose / volume a cura di Vittoria Belluschi
Chicago (etc.) - Field enterprises educational corporation, 1967
It's a part of > ?I ?quindici - i libri del come e del perche / direttore P. Armando Guidetti ; poi Franco Salghetti Drioli
Monographic text

The Comintern- historical highlights - essays, recollections, documents / edited by Milorad M. Drachkovitch and Branko Lazitch
New York (etc.) - published for the Hoover institution on war, revolution and peace, Stanfor university, Stanford, California by Praeger (etc.), 1966
Monographic text

A commemorative gathering for Erwin Panofsky at the Institute of fine arts New York university in association with the Institute for advanced study - March the twenty-first 1968 / contributi di- Craig Hugh Smyth... and others
New York? - s.n., 1968 (New York - The spiral press)
Monographic text

New York - American Jewish Comittee

The commentary reader - two decades of articles and stories / edited by Norman Podhoretz ; with an introduction by Alfred Kazin
New York - Atheneum, 1966
Monographic text

Comments on modern physics. Part A, Comments on nuclear and particle physics - a journal of critical discussion of the current literature

Le commerce mondial de l'acier et la demande d'acier dans les pays en voie de développement / Nations unies, Commission économique pour l'Europe
New York - a cura dell'A., 1968
Monographic text

Commerce monthly
New York, 1919/20-1928/29

Commercial financing / edited by Monroe R. Lazere
New York - Ronald press, 1968
Monographic text

3- Commercial food freezing operations, fresh foods
Westport - Avi publishing co., 1968
It's a part of > The freezing preservation of foods / by Donald K. Tressler and Clifford F. Evers ; (poi) edited by Donald K. Tressler, Wallace B. Van Arsdel and Michael J. Copley ; assisted by Willis R. Woolrich
Monographic text

Commercial law journal
Chicago - Commercial law league of America, 1912 -

The commercial laws of Argentina
Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. - Oceana,, 1966
It's a part of > Digest of commercial laws of the world / edited by Lester Nelson
Monographic text

The commercial laws of Australia
Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. - Oceana,, 1966
It's a part of > Digest of commercial laws of the world / edited by Lester Nelson
Monographic text

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