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Monographic text Perspectives on poetry / edited by James L. Calderwood and Harold E. Toliver New York - Oxford University Press, 1968 Monographic text Perspectives on public management - cases and learning designs / edited by Robert T. Golembiewski Itasca - F.E. Peacock, c1968 Monographic text Perspectives on Schoenberg and Stravinsky / edited by Benjamin Boretz and Edward T. Cone Princeton, (N.J) - Princeton University Press, 1968 Monographic text Perspectives on the American community - a book of readings / edited by Roland L. Warren Chicago - Rand McNally, c1966 Monographic text Perspetives in American history / published by the Charles Warren Center for studies in American history Cambridge - Harvard University Magazine Perturbation theory and its applications in quantum mechanics - proceedings of an Advances seminar conducted by the Mathematics research center, United States army and the Theoretical chemistry institute at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 4-6, 1965 / edited by Calvin H. Wilcox New York etc. - John Wiley, c1966 Monographic text Peruvians of to-day / edited by William Belmont Parker .. New York - Kraus reprint corporation, 1967 Monographic text Pest control / National Pest Control Association Cleveland - Advanstar Communications, 1949-2007 Magazine Pest control - biological, physical and selected chemical methods / edited by Wendell W. Kilgore and Richard L. Doutt New York ; London - Academic Press, ©1967 Monographic text Pesticides and their effects on soils and water / symposium papers sponsored by the Soil Science Society of America Madison, Wis - Soil Science Society of America, 1966 Monographic text Peter Chinni- recent sculptures - May 2-28 / (Paul Mocsanyi) New York - Albert Loeb Gallery, 1966 Monographic text Peter the great - reformer or revolutionary ? / ed. with an introd. by Marc Raeff Boston - Heath and Co, 1966 Monographic text Peter, Paul and Mary late again - vocal, piano, guitar, organ, bass / under the supervision of Peter Yarrow and Paul Stookey New York - Pepamar music, (1968 Music Petroleum management Dallas - Petroleum Engineer publ., 1961- Magazine |