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(Pittsburgh) School of Education, University of Pittsburgh, 1966 Monographic text 3- Projections, measures des tendances demographiques New York - Nations Unies, 1968 It's a part of > Actes du congres mondial de la population - Belgrade, 30 aout-10 septembre 1965 Monographic text Proletarian writers of the thirties / edited by David Madden, with a preface by Harry T. Moore Carbondale - Southern Illinois University Press ; London ; Amsterdam - Feffer and Simons, 1968 Monographic text Il proletario - Organo dei socialisti italiani negli Stati uniti Paterson - Coop. soc. tipografica editrice Magazine Prometheus San Francisco - George D. Pappageorge Colladius Edition Magazine Promise of greatness - the war of 1914-1918 / edited by George A. Panichas ; foreword by Herbert Read New York - John Day, ©1968 Monographic text Promotional decisions using mathematical models / prepared under the direction of Patrick J. Robinson ; contributing authors James C. Becknell, Jr... (and others) Boston - Allyn and Bacon, c1967 Monographic text Propellant slosh loads (Washington) - NASA, 1968 Monographic text Properties of air and combustion products with kerosine and hydrogen fuels - Equlibrium composition and thermodynamic properties for air and systems CnH2n/Air and H2/Air including second virial corrections / by B. Banes, R. W. McIntyre and J.A. Sims Bristol - Bristol Siddeley Engines ; Paris - AGARD Monographic text 1- Properties, Physical Metallurgy and Phase Diagrams It's a part of > Aluminum / edited by Kent R. Van Horn Monographic text The property tax - problems and potentials - symposium conducted by the Tax institute of America november 2-3-4, 1966 / Alfred G. Buehler... ( Princeton - Tax institute of America, 1967 Monographic text Property taxation, USA - proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Committee on Taxation, Resources and Economic Development (TRED) at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1965 / edited by Richard W. Lindholm Madison - University of Wisconsin Press, 1967 Monographic text Les prophecies de Merlin - Part two. Studies in the contents / ed. from Ms. 593 in the Bibliothèque Municipale of Rennes by Lucy Allen Paton New York - Kraus Reprint, 1966 Monographic text Prosa y poesia - cuadernos del hombre libre Miami - (s.n.), 1966- Magazine Prosatori del novecento / Michele Cantarella New York - Holt ; Toronto - Rinehart ; London - Winston Monographic text |