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New York (NY) - Angiology research foundation, 1964-1968 Magazine Vascular surgery. --Vol. 35, n. 6 (November/December 2001) Greak Neck (NY) - The Angiology research foundation, -2001 Magazine Vasily Kandinsky- painting on glass (Hinterglasmalerei) - anniversary exhibition - The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York New York - The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, (1966) Monographic text (3)- Vatican 2, Session 4 Sept. 14, 1965 to Dec. 8, 1965 Washington - National Catholic Welfare Conference, c1966 It's a part of > Council Daybook / edited by Floyd Anderson Monographic text Vatican pavilion - New York World's Fair, 1964-1965 - a chronicle New York - Vatican pavilion (New York World's Fair) inc., copyr. 1966 Monographic text La vedetta artistica - rivista mensile d'arte - organo della lega musicale italiana New York - (s.n.), 1921- Magazine 2- Vegetation maps of Europe It's a part of > International bibliography of vegetation maps Monographic text 2- Vegetation maps of Europe / compiled by A. W. Küchler Lawrence - University of Kansas Libraries, 1966 It's a part of > International bibliography of vegetation maps / Ed. by A. E. Kuchler Monographic text 3- Vegetation maps of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Asia & Australia / compiled by A. W. Küchler Lawrence - University of Kansas libraries, 1968 It's a part of > International bibliography of vegetation maps / Ed. by A. E. Kuchler Monographic text The veliger Berkeley - Northern California malacozoological club, 1958- Magazine The Velikovsky affair - the warfare of science and scientism / edit by Alfred de Grazia New Hyde Park (N.Y.) - University Books, 1966 Monographic text Velvet East and West from the 14. to the 20. century - an exhibition assembled from the collection of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Los Angeles - County Museum of Art, 1966 Monographic text Velvets East & West from the 14th to the 20th century (Los Angeles - s.n., 1966) Monographic text 1- Venerabilis inceptoris Guillelmi de Ockham scriptum in librum primum sententiarum Ordinatio - prologus et distinctio prima / edidit Gedeon Gal, adlaborante Stephano Brown , 1967 It's a part of > Opera theologica. Monographic text The venetian and roman schools / (musiche di) Gioseffo Zarlino, Luca Marenzio, Orazio Vecchi (e) Lelio Bertani New York - Kalmus, c1968 Music |