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Oxford ; New York, NY - Pergamon press, 1961- Magazine Visionary architects - Boullee, Ledoux, Lequeu Houston - University of St. Thomas, c1968 Monographic text Visionay architects - Boullee, Ledoux, Leque - Houston, 19 ott. 1967-3 genn. 1968 Houston - University of St. Thomas, 1968 Monographic text Visions & revisions - Museum of art, Rhode Island School of design, Providence, October 18-November 24, 1968 Providence (Rhode Island) - Museum of art, Rhode Island School of design, c1968 Monographic text A visit to Texas Ann Arbor - University Microfilms Inc., 1966 Monographic text The vista of american labor / edited by William Haber Washington - Voice of America, (ca. 1966) Monographic text Vistas in connective tissue diseases / compiled and edited by J. Claude Bennett Springfield - Charles C. Thomas, 1968 Monographic text The Visual Arts in higher education ?New York? - College Art Association of America, 1966 Monographic text Vita eterna nella libertà dei figli di Dio New York - Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ; Brooklyn (New York) Monographic text 7- La vita intorno a noi Chicago (etc.) - Field enterprises educational coporation, 1968 It's a part of > ?I ?quindici - i libri del come e del perche Monographic text 4- La vita intorno a noi / volume a cura di Deda Pini Chicago (etc.) - Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, 1967 It's a part of > ?I ?quindici - i libri del come e del perche / direttore P. Armando Guidetti ; poi Franco Salghetti Drioli Monographic text Vita quorundum Anglo-Saxonum - original lives of Anglo-Saxons and others who lived before the conquest / edited by the rev. dr. Giles New York - B. Franklin, 1967 Monographic text Vital and health statistics. Series 1, Programs and collection procedures / US National center for health statistics N.1(Aug. 1963)- Magazine Vital and health statistics. Series 10, Data from the national health survey / National center for health statistics Washington (DC) - U.S. Department of health, education and welfare, 1963- Magazine Vital and health statistics. Series 11 / US National center for health statistics Magazine |