Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

Page no. 1010 of 2459       

Bent, Arthur Cleveland
1- Genera Richmondena through Pipilo (part) / Arthur Cleveland Bent ; and collaborators ; compiled and edited by Oliver L. Austin, jr
New York - Dover, 1968
It's a part of > Life histories of north american cardinals, grosbeaks, buntings, towhees, finches, sparrows, and allies - order Passeriformes- family Fringillidae / Arthur Cleveland Bent ; and collaborators ; compil...
Monographic text

Bent, Arthur Cleveland
3- Genera Zonotrichia through Emberiza, literature cited and index / Arthur Cleveland Bent ; and collaborators ; compiled and edited by Oliver L. Austin, jr
New York - Dover, 1968
It's a part of > Life histories of north american cardinals, grosbeaks, buntings, towhees, finches, sparrows, and allies - order Passeriformes- family Fringillidae / Arthur Cleveland Bent ; and collaborators ; compil...
Monographic text

Bent, Arthur Cleveland
Life histories of north american cardinals, grosbeaks, buntings, towhees, finches, sparrows, and allies - order Passeriformes- family Fringillidae / Arthur Cleveland Bent ; and collaborators ; compiled and edited by Oliver L. Austin, jr
New York - Dover, 1968
Monographic text

Bent, James Theodore
Aegean Islands - the Cyclades, or life among the insular Greeks / by James Theodore Bent
Chicago - Argonaut, 1966
Monographic text

Bentley, Arthur F.
The process of government / Arthur F. Bentley ; edited by Peter H. Odegard
Cambridge (Mass.) - The Belknap press of Harvard University press, 1967
Monographic text

Bentley, Arthur F.
The process of government / Arthur F. Bentley ; edited by Peter H. Odegard
Cambridge (MA) - The Belknap press of Harvard university press, 1967
Monographic text

Bentley, Eric
Father's day
New York - Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 1968
Monographic text

Bentley, Eric
Father's day - A lecture on Pirandello's «Six characters in search of an author» given at the Istituto italiano di cultura, New York, december 14, 1967, to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Luigi Pirandello
New York - Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 1968
Monographic text

Bentley, Eric
The life of the drama / Eric Bentley
New York - Atheneum, 1979
Monographic text

Bentley, Eric
The life of the drama / Eric Bentley
New York - Atheneum, 1967
Monographic text

Bentley, Eric
The theatre of commitment and other essays on drama in our society / EricBentley
New York - Atheneum, 1967
Monographic text

Bentley, Eric
What is theatre? - Incorporating The dramatic event, and other reviews, 1944-1967 / (by) Eric Bentley
New York - Atheneum, 1968
Monographic text

Bentley, Freeman F.
Infrared spectra and characteristic frequencies 700-300 cm-1 - a collection of spectra, interpretation, and bibliography / by Freeman F. Bentley, Lee D. Smithson and Adele L. Rozek
New York etc. - Interscience publishers, c1968
Monographic text

Bentley, Phyllis
The English regional novel / by Phyllis Bentley
New York - Haskell House, 1966
Monographic text

Bentley, William G.
Indoor & outdoor games / William G. Bentley
Belmont (Cal.) - Fearon-Pitman, ©1966
Monographic text

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