Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

Page no. 1020 of 2459       

Berrigan, Ted
Many happy returns - to Dick Gallup / (Ted Berrigan)
San Francisco - Grabhorn-Hoyem Press, 1967
Monographic text

Berrill, Norman John
Biology in action / by N. J. Berrill ; illustrated with drawings by KennethGosner
New York ; Toronto - Dood, Mead, 1966
Monographic text

Berrill, Norman John
The life of the ocean / Norman John Berrill
New York (etc. - The World Book Encyclopedia - McGraw-Hill, ©1966
Monographic text

Berrill, Norman John
The Tunicata with an account of the British species / by N. J. Berrill
New York ; London - Johnson reprint, 1968
Monographic text

Berry, Brian Joe Lobley
Geography of market centers and retail distribution / (by) Brian J. L. Berry
Englewood Cliffs, N.J - Prentice-Hall, (1967)
Monographic text

Berry, Brian Joe Lobley
Metropolitan area definition - a re-evaluation of concept and statistical practice / Brian J. L. Berry ; with Peter G. Goheen and Harold Goldstein
Washington D.C. - U. S. Department of commerce, Bureau of the census, 1968
Monographic text

Berry, Brian Joe Lobley
Spatial analysis - a reader in statistical geography / Brian J.L. Berry, Duane F. Marble
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. - Prentice-Hall, 1968
Monographic text

Berry, Brian Joe Lobley
Theories of urban location / Brian J. L. Berry
Washington - Association of American geographers, c1968
Monographic text

Berry, James Berthold
Western forest trees - a guide to the identification of trees and woods for students, teachers, farmers and woodsmen / by James Berthold Berry ; illustrated ... by Mary E. Eaton ; with a new preface and appendix with bibliography by Woodbridge Metcalf
New York - Dover, c1966
Monographic text

Berry, Thomas
Buddhism / Thomas Berry
New York - Hawthorn books, 1966
Monographic text

Berry, Thomas Elliott
Journalism today - its development and practical applications / Thomas Elliott Berry
Philadelphia (etc. - Chilton Books, 1966
Monographic text

Berry, Wallace
Form in music - an examination of traditional techniques of musical form and their applications in historical and contemporary styles / Wallace Berry
Englewood Cliffs /New Jersey) - Prentice Hall, 1966
Monographic text

Berry, William B. N.
Growth of a prehistoric time scale - based on organic evolution / William B. N. Berry
San Francisco ; London - W. H. Freeman, c1968
Monographic text

Berryman, John
Berrymans sonnets - now first imprinted
New York - Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c1967
Monographic text

Berryman, John
His toy, his dream, his rest - 308 dream songs / John Berryman
New York - Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1968
Monographic text

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