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1 / edited by M. Chretien, E. P. Gross and S. Deser New York etc. - Gordon and Breach, c1968 It's a part of > Statistical physics, phase transitions and superfluidity / edited by M. Chretien, E. P. Gross and S. Deser Monographic text Brandeis University summer institute in theoretical physics (1965) Particle symmetries and axiomatic field theory / edited by M. Chretien and S. Deser New York etc. - Gordon and Breach, c1966 Monographic text Brandeis University summer institute in theoretical physics (1966) Statistical physics - phase transitions and superfluidity - Brandeis University summer institute in theoretical physics, 1966 / edited by M. Chretien, E. P. Gross and S. Deser New York etc. - Gordon and Breach, science publishers, c1968 Monographic text Brandeis University summer institute in theoretical physics (1966) Statistical physics, phase transitions and superfluidity / edited by M. Chretien, E. P. Gross and S. Deser New York etc. - Gordon and Breach, c1968 Monographic text Brandeis university summer institute in theoretical physics (1970) Particle symmetries and axiomatic field theory / Brandeis University Summer Institute in theoretical Physics ; edited by M. Chretien and S. Deser New York (etc.) - Gordon and Breach Science, c 1966 Monographic text Brandeis university summer institute in theoretical physics (1970) Statistical physics, phase transitions and superfluidity - Brandeis University Summer Institute in theoretical physics, 1966 / edited by M. Chretien, E.P. Gross and S. Deser Monographic text Brandeis university summer institute in theoretical physics (2 ; 1965) 2- Particle symmetries / edited by M. Chretien and S. Deser New York - Gordon and Breach, c1966 It's a part of > Particle symmetries and axiomatic field theory / edited by M. Chretien and S. Deser Monographic text Brandeis university summer institute in theoretical physics (2 ; 1966) 2 / edited by M. Chretien, E. P. Gross and S. Deser New York etc. - Gordon and Breach, c1968 It's a part of > Statistical physics, phase transitions and superfluidity / edited by M. Chretien, E. P. Gross and S. Deser Monographic text Brandeis, Louis D. Other peoples money - and how the bankers use it / Louis D. Brandeis ; edited with an introduction and notes by Richard M. Abrams New York - Harper & Row, 1967 Monographic text Brandeis, Louis D. Other peoples money and how the bankers use it / Louis D. Brandeis ; edited with an introduction and notes by Richard M. Abrams New York etc. - Harper Torchbooks, 1967 Monographic text Brander, Bruce The river Nile / by Bruce Brander ; foreword by Melville Bell Grosvenor ; prepared by National geographic special publications division Washington - National geographic society, c1968 Monographic text Brandes, Elmy Analysis of Panama canal traffic and revenue potential Menlo Park - Stanford research institute, 1967 Monographic text Brandfon, Robert L. Cotton Kingdom of the New South - a history of the Yazoo Mississipi Delta from reconstruction to the twentieth century / Robert L. Brandfon Cambridge - Harvard University Press, 1967 Monographic text Brandis, Royall Principles of economics / Royall Brandis Homewood (Ill.) - Richard D. Irwin Inc. ; Noblenton, Ontario - Irvin-Dorsey ltd., 1968 Monographic text Brandon, Donald American foreign policy - beyond utopianism and realism / Donald Brandon New York - Appleton century crofts, c1966 Monographic text |