Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

Page no. 1108 of 2459       

Butakov, N.
Svjataja plašcanica Hristova / N. Butakov"
Jordanville, N.Y. - Holy Trinity Monastery, 1968
Monographic text

Butcher, Margaret
The negro in American culture / based on materials left by Alain Locke
New York - Knopf, 1967
Monographic text

Butchvarov, Panayot
Resemblance and identity - an examination of the problem of universals / Panayot Butchvarov
Bloomington & London - Indiana univ. press, ©1966
Monographic text

Butkov, Eugene
Mathematical physics / Eugene Butkov
Reading, Mass. etc. - Addison-Wesley, c1968
Monographic text

Butkov, Vladimir Nikolov
Tvorcestvo M. Ju. Lermontova - 150 let so dnja rozdenija
Vasington - Kamkin, 1966
Monographic text

Butkovich, Anthony
Anima eroica - Saint Brigitte of Sweden
(Los Angeles) - The Ward Ritchie press, 1968
Monographic text

Butler, Cuthbert
Western mysticism - the teaching of Augustine, Gregory and Bernard on contemplation and the contemplative life / Dom Cuthbert Butler
New York - Harper & Row, 1966
Monographic text

Butler, Eliza Marian
The Saint-Simonian religion in Germany - a study of the Young German Movement
New York - H. Fertig, 1968
Monographic text

Butler, Francelia
The strange critical fortunes of Shakespeare's «Timon of Athens»
Ames - Jowa State University Press, 1966
Monographic text

Butler, George D.
Introduction to community recreation - prepared for the National recreation and park association / George D. Butler
New York - McGraw-Hill, c1967
Monographic text

Butler, J. Donald
Four philosophies and their practice in education and religion / J. Donald Butler
New York (etc.) - Harper & Row, c1968
Monographic text

Butler, James Newton
Problems for introductory university chemistry - with complete solutions / James N. Butler, Basil A. Dunell, Lionel G. Harrison
Reading etc. - Addison-Wesley, c1967
Monographic text

Butler, John Harrison
Personality factors as correlates of receptivity to eletronic music / by John Harrison Butler
Ann Arbor - University microfilms international, 1968
Monographic text

Butler, Pierce
An introduction to library science / with an introduction by Lester E. Asheim
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago Press, 1967
Monographic text

Butler, Robert A.
An analysis of Venezuelan national income statistics- sources and methods / Robert A. Butler, Bruce Herrick
Santa Monica, California - RAND Corporation, 1968
Monographic text

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