Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

Page no. 1113 of 2459       

Cabell, Charles A.
Safari - Pan Am's guide to hunting with gun and camera round the world / by Charles A. Cabell and David St. Clair
(New York - Pan American Airways, ©1968
Monographic text

Cable, George Washington
The grandissimes - a story of Creole life / introd. by Newton Arvin
New York - Hill & Wang, 1967
Monographic text

Cadell, Elizabeth
Come be my guest / Elizabeth Cadell
New York - Morrow, 1966
Monographic text

Cadet, Félix
Pierre de Boisguilbert précurseur des économistes, 1646-1714 - sa vie, ses travaux, son influence...
New York - Franklin, 1967
Monographic text

Cadle, Richard D
Particles in the atmosphere and space / Richard D. Cadle
New York - Reinhold Publishing Corporation, ©1966
Monographic text

Cadwell, J. H.
Topics in recreational mathematics / by J. H. Cadwell
Cambridge - Cambridge U.P, 1966
Monographic text

Cady, Edwin H.
The american poets - 1800-1900 / (an anthology compiled by) Edwin H. Cady
(Glenview) - Scott, Foresman, c1966
Monographic text

Cady, John F.
Thailand, Burma, Laos and Cambodia / by John F. Cady
Englewood Cliffs ; New Jersey - Prentice-Hall, 1966
Monographic text

Cady, John Frank
The Roots of French Imperialism in Eastern Asia / John F. Cady
Ithaca ( N. Y.) - Cornell University Press, 1967
Monographic text

Caesar, Gaius Iulius
The civil wars / Caesar ; with an English translation by A. G. Peskett
London - Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard University Press, 1966
Monographic text

Caesarius - de Heisterbach
Caesarii Heisterbacensis monachi ordinis Cisterciensis Dialogus miraculorum
Ridgewood (NJ) - Gregg, 1966
Monographic text

Caffrey, John
Computers on campus / John Caffrey, Charles J. Mosmann
Washington - American council on education, c1967
Monographic text

Cagan, Phillip
Change in the cyclical behavior of interest bates / Phillip Cagan
New York, London - National bureau of economic research - Columbia University Press, 1966
Monographic text

Cagan, Phillip
Changes in the cyclical behavior of interest rates / Phillip Cagan
New York - NBER, 1966
Monographic text

Cagan, Phillip
Changes in the cyclical behaviour of interest rates / Phillip Cagan
New York - National bureau of economic research ; New York ; London - Columbia university press
Monographic text

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