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Principles of labor legislation / John R. Commons, John B. Andrews New York - Kelley, 1967 Monographic text Commons, John Rogers Proportional representation / by John R. Commons New York - Kelley, 1967 Monographic text Commons, John Rogers Races and immigrants in America / by John R. Commons New York - Macmillan Co., 1913 Monographic text Commons, John Rogers Races and immigrants in America / by John R. Commons New York - Kelley, 1967 Monographic text Commons, John Rogers Races and immigrants in America / by John R. Commons New York - Augustus M. Kelley, 1967 Monographic text Commons, John Rogers Social reform & the church / by John R. Commons New York - Kelley, 1967 Monographic text Commons, John Rogers Trade unions and labor problems - second series / edited with an introduction by John R. Commons New York - Kelley, 1967 Monographic text Communist party of the United States of America For a radical change - the communist view - report and concluding remarks to the 18. national convention, communist party, USA, june 22-26, 1966 Mew York - New Outlook publishers, 1966 Monographic text Communist party of the United States of America New program of the Communist Party U.S.A. - (a draft) / Communist Party USA New York - Political Affairs Publishers, 1966 Monographic text Comparative literature symposium (1. ; 1968 ; Lubbock) Proceedings of the Comparative literature symposium - April 22, 23, 24, 1968 / ed. Wolodymyr T. Zyla Lubbock - Interdepartemental Committee on Comparative literature. Texas technological College, 1968 Monographic text Compayré, Gabriel Abelard and the origin and early history of universities / by Gabriel Compayré St. Clair Shores - Scholarly press, 1967? Monographic text Compressed gas association (New York) Handbook of compressed gases / Compressed gas association New York - Reinhold publishing corporation, c1966 Monographic text Compton Rickett, Arthur The vagabond in literature / by Arthur Rickett Freeport, N.Y. - Books for Libraries Press, 1968 Monographic text Compton, James V. The swastika and the eagle - Hitler, the United States, and the origin of thesecond world war / James V. Compton Boston - Houghton Mifflin, 1967 Monographic text Compton, Robert R Analyses of Pliocene-Pleistocene Deformation and Stresses in Nothern Santa Lucia Range, California Washington - (s.n.), 1966 Monographic text |