Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

Page no. 1419 of 2459       

Gipson, Lawrence Henry
2- The British isles and the American colonies - the Southern plantations - 1748-1754 / Lawrence Henry Gipson
New York - A. A. Knopf, 1967
It's a part of > The British Empire before the american revolution / by Lawrence Henry Gipson
Monographic text

Gipson, Lawrence Henry
7- The Great war for the Empire - the victorious years - 1758-1760 / Lawrence Henry Gipson
New York - A. A. Knopf, 1967
It's a part of > The British Empire before the american revolution / by Lawrence Henry Gipson
Monographic text

Gipson, Lawrence Henry
12- The triumphant empire - Britain sails into the storm - 1770-1776 / Lawrence Henry Gipson
New York - A. A. Knopf, 1967
It's a part of > The British Empire before the american revolution / by Lawrence Henry Gipson
Monographic text

Gipson, Lawrence Henry
9- The triumphant empire - new responsibilities within the enlarged empire - 1763-1766 / Lawrence Henry Gipson. New York - A. A. Knopf, 1968
It's a part of > The British Empire before the american revolution / by Lawrence Henry Gipson
Monographic text

Gipson, Lawrence Henry
10- The triumphant empire - thunder-clouds gather in the West, 1763-1766 / Lawrence Henry Gipson
New York - A. A- Knopf, 1967
It's a part of > The British Empire before the american revolution / by Lawrence Henry Gipson
Monographic text

Gipson, Lawrence Henry
11- The triumphant empire - the rumbling of the coming storm - 1766-1770 / Lawrence Henry Gipson
New York - A. A. Knopf, 1967
It's a part of > The British Empire before the american revolution / by Lawrence Henry Gipson
Monographic text

Gipson, Lawrence Henry
4- Zones of international friction - North America, South of the Great Lakes Region - 1748-1754 / Lawrence Henry Gipson
New York - A. A. Knopf, 1967
It's a part of > The British Empire before the american revolution / by Lawrence Henry Gipson
Monographic text

Gipson, Lawrence Henry
5- Zones of international friction - the great lakes frontier, Canada, the West Indies, India - 1748-1754 / Lawrence Henry Gipson
New York - A. A. Knopf, 1967
It's a part of > The British Empire before the american revolution / by Lawrence Henry Gipson
Monographic text

Giraldus - Cambrensis
Vol. 3- De invectionibus lib. 4 ; De Menevensi ecclesia dialogus ; Vita S. David / edited by J.S. Brewer
Millwood - Kraus reprint, 1966
It's a part of > Giraldi Cambrensis opera
Monographic text

Giraldus - Cambrensis
Vol. 1- Giraldi Cambrensis De rebus a se gestis libri 3. ; invectionum libellus ; Symbolum electorum / edited by J.S. Brewer
Millwood - Kraus reprint, 1966
It's a part of > Giraldi Cambrensis opera
Monographic text

Giraldus - Cambrensis
Giraldi Cambrensis opera
Millwood - Kraus reprint, 1964-1966
Monographic text

Girard, Albert
Le commerce français a Séville et Cadix au temps des Habsbourg - contribution a l'étude du commerce etranger en Espagne aux 16. et 17. siécles / par Albert Girard
New York - Franklin, 1967
Monographic text

Girard, Alexander
The magic of a people - folk art and toys from the collection of the Girard Foundation / Alexander Girard ; photographs by Charles and Ray Eames
New York - Viking Press, 1968
Monographic text

Girifalco, L. A.
Point defects and diffusion in strained metals / by L. A. Girifalco and D. O. Welch
New York ; London ; Paris - Gordon and Breach, 1967
Monographic text

Girsdansky, Michael
The adventure of language / by Michael Girsdansky ; newly revised and edited by Mario Pei
Greenwich - Fawcett, 1967
Monographic text

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