Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

Page no. 1978 of 2459       

Passereau, Pierre
Passereau. Opera Omnia / edidit Georges Dottin
The place of publication is not referred - American Institute of Musicology, 1967

Passigli, Stefano
Parties, groups, and bureaucracy in the Italian political system / Stefano Passigli
The place of publication is not referred - s.n. , 1966
Monographic text

Passman, Donald S.
Permutation groups / Donald Passman
New York ; Amsterdam - W. A. Benjamin, 1968
Monographic text

Passmore, John
Humes intentions / by John Passmore
New York - Basic Books, 1966
Monographic text

Passonneau, Joseph R.
Urban atlas- 20 American cities - a communication study notating selected urban data at a scale of 1-48,000 / Joseph R. Passonneau and Richard Saul Wurman
Cambridge, Mass. - M.I.T. press, 1966 (Saint Louis - Western Printing and Lithographing Co.)
Monographic text

Passow, Harry a.
Education in depressed areas / A. Harry Passow
New York - Teachers College Columbia University, 1966
Monographic text

Pasteur, Louis
Correspondence of Pasteur and Thuillier - concerning anthrax and swine fever vaccinations / translated and edited by Robert M. Frank & Denise Wrotnowska ; with a preface by professor Pasteur Vallery-Radot
(Tuscaloosa) - University of Alabama Press, c1968
Monographic text

Patai, Raphael
Golden River to Golden Road - society, culture, and change in the Middle East / by Raphael Patai
Philadelphia, P.A. - University of Pensylvania Press, 1967
Monographic text

Pataki, György
Techniques of thin layer chromatography in amino acid and peptide chemistry / by Gyorgy Pataki ; translated from the original German by Scientific translation service
Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor science publishers, c1968
Monographic text

Patch, Howard Rollin
The goddess fortuna in medieval literature / Howard R. Patch
New York - Octagon Books, 1967
Monographic text

Patchen, Kenneth
Hallelujah anyway - °a book of picture poems / Kenneth Patchen
New York - New York - New Directions, c1966
Monographic text

Patchen, Kenneth
Poems of humor & protest / by Kenneth Patchen
San Francisco - City Lights Books, 1968
Monographic text

Pater, Alan F.
United States battleships - the history of America's greatest fighting fleet / compiled and edited by Alan F. Pater
Beverly Hills - Monitor book company, ©1968
Monographic text

Paterson, William
The writings of William Paterson founder of the Bank of England (1859) / edited by Saxe Bannister
New York - A. M. Kelley, 1968
Monographic text

Paterson, William Edgar
The writings / of William Paterson founder of the Bank of England ; ed. by Saxe Bannister
New York - Kelley, 1968
Monographic text

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