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The new imperialism - a background book / Hugh Seton-Watson New York - Capricorn Books, 1967 Monographic text Seton-Watson, Robert William Britain and the dictators - a survey of post-war British policy / by R.W. Seton-Watson New York - Fertig, 1968 Monographic text Seton-Watson, Robert William Sarajevo - a study in the origins of the great war / by R.W. Seton-Watson Ann Arbor - University Microfilm, 1966 Monographic text Settel, Irving A pictorial history of radio / by Irving Settel ; introduction by Brock Brower New York - Grosset & Dunlap, c1967 Monographic text Setton, Kenneth M. Christian attitude towards the emperor in the fourth century, especially as shown in addresses to the emperor / by Kenneth M. Setton New York - AMS press, 1967 Monographic text Seuphor, Michel Abstract painting - 50 years of accoplishment - from Kandisky to the present New York - Laurel, 1967 Monographic text Seuss (Dr.) The eye book / by Theo. LeSieg ; illustrated by Roy McKie New York - Random House, 1968 Monographic text Severi, Francesco Vorlesungen uber algebraische geometrie - geometrie auf einer kurve, Riemannsche flachen, abelsche integrale / Francesco Severi ; Berechtigte deutsche ubersetzung von Eugen Loffler, mit einem einfuhrungswort von A. Brill N.Y. - Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968 Monographic text Severin, Tim Explorers of the Mississippi / Timothy Severin New York - Knopf, 1968 Monographic text Severin, Tim Explorers of the the Mississippi / Timothy Severin New Yotk - Knopf, 1968 Monographic text Severn, Bill Adlai Stevenson - citizen of the word / by Bill Severn New York - David McKay, 1966 Monographic text Severs, J. Burke A Manual of the Writings in Middle English 1050-1500. / General editor J. Burke Severs; by members of the Middle English Group of the Modern Language Association of America New Haven, Connecticut - The Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1967 Monographic text Sewall, John L. Vibration analysis of cylindrically curved panels with simply supported or clamped edges and comparison with some experiments / By John L. Sewall Washington, D. C. - NASA, 1967 Monographic text Seward, Albert C. Plant life through the ages - a geological and botanical retrospect / by A. C. Seward ; including nine reconstructions of ancient landscapes drawn for the author by Edward Vulliamy New York ; London - Hafner, 1966 Monographic text Sewell, Arthur A study in Miltons Christian doctrine / by Arthur Sewell Hamden (Connecticut) - Archon Books, 1967 Monographic text |