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Symposia on theoretical physics and mathematics - lectures presented at the 1966 fourth anniversary symposium of the Institute of mathematical sciences, Madras, India / edited by Alladi Ramakrishnan New York - Plenum press, 1968 Monographic text Symposia on theoretical physics and mathematics (5. ; 1967 ; Madras) Symposia on theoretical physics and mathematics - lectures presented at the 1967 fifth anniversary symposium of the Institute of mathematical sciences, Madras, India / edited by Alladi Ramakrishnan New York - Plenum press, 1968 Monographic text Symposium (International) on Combustion (11. ; 1966 ; Berkeley) Eleventh Symposium (International) on combustion - at the University of California Berkeley, California, August 14 to 20, 1966 / organized by the Combustion Institute Pittsburg, Pennsylvania - The Combustion Institute, 1967 Monographic text Symposium (on) Agricultural anhydrous ammonia (1965 ; St. Louis, Mo.) Agricultural anhydrous ammonia - technology and use - proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Agricultural Ammonia Institute, the American Society of Agronomy, and the Soil Science Society of America ... / edited by Malcolm H. McVickar ... (and others) Memphis, Tenn, - Agricultural Ammonia Institute ; Madison, Wis. - American Society of Agronomy ; Soil Science of America, c1966 Monographic text Symposium (on) Energy conversion by the photosynthetic apparatus (1966) Energy conversion by the photosynthetic apparatus - report os a symposium held june 6-9, 1966 Upton, N. Y. - Brookhaven National Laboratory Monographic text Symposium (on) hot corrosion problems (1966 ; Atlantic City) Hot corrosion problems associated with gas turbines - a symposium presented at the sixty-ninth annual meeting American Society for Testing and Materials - Atlantic City, N. J., 26 june-1 july, 1966 Philadelphia - American Society for Testing and Materials, (1967) Monographic text Symposium (on) Plant environment and efficient water (1965 ; Ames, Iowa) Plant environment and efficient water use / edited by W. H. Pierre ... (and others) Madison, Wis. - published bu American society of agronomy and Soil science society of America, 1966? Monographic text Symposium (on) radioisotopes in medicine (1967 ; Oak Ridge) Radioisotopes in medicine- in vitro studies - proceedings of a symposium held at the Oak Ridge associated universities november 13-16, 1967 / editors Raymond L. Hayes, Francis A. Goswitz, Beverley E. Pearson ; tecnical editor Elizabeth B. Anderson Oak Ridge, Tennessee - U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1968 Monographic text Symposium (on) the Role of potassium in agriculture (Muscle Shools, Al. ; 1968) The Role of potassium in agriculture - proceedings of a symposium sponsored and financed by the Tennessee Valley Authority and the American Potash Institute ... / edited by V. J. Kilmer, S. E. Younts, N. C. Brady Madison, Wis. - published by the American Society of Agronomy. Crop Science Society of America. Soil Science Society of America, 1968 Monographic text Symposium at the International Rice Research Institute (1964 ) The Major insect pest of the rice plant - proceedings of a symposium at the international rice research institute, september, 1964 Baltimora - The Johns Hopkin Press, c1967 Monographic text Symposium commemorating the centenary of the publication of "An introduction to the study of experimental medicine" (1965 ; Minneapolis) Claude Bernard and experimental medicine - Collected papers ... and the first english transl. of Claude Bernards "Cahier rouge" - Symposium 16-18 april 1965 Cambridge - Schenkman, 1967 Monographic text Symposium dairy lipids and lipid metabolism (1967 ; Chicago) Symposium- dairy lipids and lipid metabolism - September 28 and 29, 1967, Chicago, Illinois / editors- M. F. Brink and David Kritchevsky Westport - AVI publishing co., 1968 Monographic text Symposium Extension of gravity anomalies to unsurveyed areas (1964 ; Columbus) Gravity anomalies - unsurveyed areas - papers presented at the Symposium "Extension of Gravity Anomalies to Unsurveyed Areas" at Ohio State University, Columbus, November 18-20, 1964 / Hyman Orlin, editor Washington - American geophysical union of the National academy of sciences-National Research Council, 1966 Monographic text Symposium held at the College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University ( 1967 Advances in pharmacology - biological role of indolealkylamine derivatives - proceedings of a Symposium held at the College of physicians and surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York, May 10-12, 1967 / edited by Silvio Garattini, Parkhurst A. Shore, associated editors for the Symposium E. Costa, M. Sandler New York, London - Academic Press, 1968 Monographic text Symposium in pure mathematics of the American mathematical society (11. ; 1966 ; San Diego) Entire functions and related parts of analysis / (Jacob Korevaar ... and others) Providence - American mathematical society, 1968 Monographic text |