Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

Page no. 2378 of 2459       

Webern, Anton - von
Five songs after poems by Richard Dehmel - for voice and piano / Webern
New York - Fischer, ©1966

Webern, Anton - von
Im Sommerwind - idyl for large orchestra / Webern
New York - Fischer, ©1966

Webern, Anton - von
Sketches (1926-1945) - facsimile reproductions from the composer's autograph sketchbooks in the Moldenhauer archive / Anton von Webern ; commentary by Ernst Krenek ; with a foreword by Hans Moldenhauer
New York - Fischer, ©1968

Webern, Anton - von
Three orchestral songs - (1913-14) - for voice and orchestra / Webern
New York - Fischer, ©1968

Webster, Arthur Gordon
Partial differential equations of mathematical physics / by Arthur Gordon Webster ; edited by Samuel J. Plimpton
New York - Dover, (1966)
Monographic text

Webster, Donald Blake
The Brantford pottery 1849-1907 - History and assessment of the stoneware pottery at Brantford, Ontario, including results of excavations and analysis of products
Toronto - Royal Ontario Museum, 1968
Monographic text

Webster, James Bertin
History of West Africa - The revolutionary years-1815 to indipendence... / with a contribution by H. O. Idowu
New York - Praeger Publishers, ?1967?
Monographic text

Webster, John (1580?-1625?)
4- Characters ; Anything for a quiet life ; The fair maid of the inn / John Webster
New York - Gordian press, 1966
It's a part of > The complete works of John Webster / edited by F. L. Lucas
Monographic text

Webster, John (1580?-1625?)
The complete works of John Webster / edited by F. L. Lucas
New York - Gordian press, 1966
Monographic text

Webster, John (1580?-1625?)
3- A cure for a cuckold ; Appius and Virginia ; Minor works / John Webster
New York - Gordian press, 1966
It's a part of > The complete works of John Webster / edited by F. L. Lucas
Monographic text

Webster, John (1580?-1625?)
2- The duchess of Malfi ; The devil's law-case / John Webster
New York - Gordian press, 1966
It's a part of > The complete works of John Webster / edited by F. L. Lucas
Monographic text

Webster, John (1580?-1625?)
1- General introduction ; The white devil / John Webster
New York - Gordian press, 1966
It's a part of > The complete works of John Webster / edited by F. L. Lucas
Monographic text

Webster, Merriam
Webster's seventh new collegiate dictionary / a Merriam Webster ; based on Webster's third new international dictionary
Springfield, Massachusetts - G. & C. Merriam company, c1967
Monographic text

Webster, Noah
A collection of papers on political, literary and moral subjects / Noah Webster
New York - Burt Franklin, 1968
Monographic text

Webster, Noah
Dissertations on the English language 1789
Menston - Scolar, 1967
Monographic text

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