Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

Page no. 2384 of 2459       

Weisbord, Robert G.
African Zion - the attempt to establish a Jewish colony in the East Africa protectorate, 1903-1905 / Robert G. Weisbord
Philadelphia - Jewish publication society of America, ©1968
Monographic text

Weiskrantz, Lawrence
Analysis of behavioral change / edited by Lawrence Weiskrantz
New York - Harper & Row, c1968
Monographic text

Weisman, Richard N.
Measuring solid-liquid mixture in closed conduits / By Richard N. Weisman and Walter H. Graf
(New York - ASCE, 1968)
Monographic text

Weiss, Eric A.
The PL/1. converter / Eric A. Weiss
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, c1966
Monographic text

Weiss, Herbert F.
Political protest in the Congo - the Parti solidaire africain during the indipendence struggle / Herbert F. Weiss
Princeton, N.J. - Princeton University press, 1967
Monographic text

Weiss, John
The fascist tradition - radical right-wing, extremism im modern Europe / John Weiss
New York (etc. - Harper & Row, c1967
Monographic text

Weiss, Leonard W.
Case studies in American industry / Leonard W. Weiss
New York etc. - J. Wiley & sons, c1967
Monographic text

Weiss, Nancy Joan
Charles Francis Murphy, 1858-1924 - respectability and responsibility in Tammany politics / Nancy J. Weiss
Northampton (Mass.) - Smith College, 1968
Monographic text

Weiss, Paul
Right & wrong - a philosophical dialogue between father and son / Paul Weiss and Jonathan Weiss
New York - Basic books, (1967)
Monographic text

Weiss, Paul A.
Dynamics of development - experiments and inferences - selected papapers of developmental biology / Paul A. Weiss
New York ; London - Academic Press, 1968
Monographic text

Weiss, Peter (1916-1982)
The persecution and assassination of Jean-Paul Marat - as perfomed by the inmates of the asylum of Charenton under the direction of the Marquis De Sade / by Peter Weiss ; english version by Geoffrey Skelton ; verse adaptation by Adrian Mitchell ; introduction by Peter Brook
New York - Aheneum, 1966
Monographic text

Weiss, Robert S.
Statistics in social research - an introduction / Robert S. Weiss
New York - Wiley, c1968
Monographic text

Weiss, Theodore Russell
The last day and the first - poems / by Theodore Weiss
New York - The Macmillan company ; london - Collier-Macimillan, c1968
Monographic text

Weissenberger, Karl
Seminar on continuum mechanics arranged as a course of ten lectures on the principles of continuum mechanics as seen in the light of a general theory of transformations / by Karl Weissenberg
(New York?) - Office of naval research, 1963
Monographic text

Weissert, L.R.
Fabrication of thorium fuel elements / L. R. Weissert, G. Schileo ; prepared under the direction of the American Society for Metals for the Division of Technical Information, United States Atomic Energy Commission
(Chicago) - American Nuclear Society, 1968
Monographic text

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