Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 39 of 2606       

1 - from 1774 to 1789 - embracing the period of the American revolution / by Albert S. Bolles
New York - A. M. Kelley, 1969
It's a part of > The financial history of the United States / by Albert S. Bolles
Monographic text

1 - from conquest to independence / Donald E. Worcester, Wendell G. Schaeffer
New York (etc.) - Oxford University press, 1970
It's a part of > The growth and culture of Latin America / Donald E. Worcester, Wendell G. Schaeffer
Monographic text

1 - Israel and revolution / Eric Vogelin
(The place of publication is not referred) - Louisiana state Univ. press, 1969
It's a part of > Order and history / Eric Voegelin
Monographic text

1 - level one (elementary) / Henry Paine
Miami - Belwin Mills Publishing Corporation, c1969
It's a part of > Tunes for Bassoon Technic - technical type melodies, variations, and "famous passages" from musical literature for the development of technical dexterity / by Henry Paine

1 - Magnesia, lime, and chrome refractories / Allen M. Alper
New York and London - Academic press, 1970
It's a part of > High temperature oxides / edited by Allen M. Arper
Monographic text

1 - Part B / edited by Angelo A. Lamola
New York - Marcel DEkker, 1971
It's a part of > Creation and detection of the excited state / edited by Angelo A. Lamola
Monographic text

Vol. 3- 1 Samuel - Nehemiah
Nashville - Broadman Press, 1970
It's a part of > The Broadman Bible commentary / general editor Clifton J. Allen
Monographic text

1 v. - / de la Conference de fonctionnaires superieurs d'organismes nationaux de la recherche dans le domain de l'amenagement urbain et regional, organisee par le Comite de l'habitation,de la construction et de la planification de la Commission economique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe et tenue a Stockholm,Suede 24 avril-1er mai 1968
New York - Nations Unies, 1969
It's a part of > Recherche dans le domaine de l'amenagement urbain et regional - travaux / de la Conference de fonctionnaires superieurs d'organismes nationaux de la recherche dans le domain de l'amenagement urbain e...
Monographic text

New York - M. Dekker, 1971
It's a part of > Electron and coupled energy transfer in biological systems / edited by Tsoo E. King and Martin Klingenberg
Monographic text

1-2 / T. C. Hsu, Kurt Benirschke
Berlin (etc.) - Springer-Verlag, 1971-1973
It's a part of > An atlas of mammalian chromosomes / (edited by) T.C. Hsu, Kurt Benirschke
Monographic text

1-6 / T. C. Hsu, Kurt Benirschke
New York (etc.) - Springer, 1967-1971
It's a part of > An atlas of mammalian chromosomes / (edited by) T.C. Hsu, Kurt Benirschke
Monographic text

1. / ACI Committee 443
Detroit - American Concrete Institute (ACI), c1971
It's a part of > Second International Symposium on concrete bridge design held in Chicago on Ap ril 2-3, 1969 / ACI Committee 443
Monographic text

1. / bearbeitet von Sophus Lie ; unter Mitwirkung von Friedrich Engel
ed. New York - Chelsea publishing, 1970
It's a part of > Theorie der Trasformationsgruppen / bearbeitet von Sophus Lie ; unter Mitwirkung von Friedrich Engel
Monographic text

1. / by Edward A. Freeman
New York - AMS, 1969
It's a part of > Historical essays / by Edward A. Freeman
Monographic text

1. / by John Fiske with a new introdution by David W. Noble
New York ; London - Johnson, 1969
It's a part of > Outlines of cosmic philosophy / by John Fiske with a new introdution by David W. Noble
Monographic text

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