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49- Plant G-Pot New York - Rowman and Littlefield, 1969 It's a part of > Dictionary catalog of the National agricultural library - 1862-1965 Monographic text 49- Selling-Siml Ann Arbor (Michigan) - J.W. Edwards, 1969 It's a part of > The National union catalog- a cumulative list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other american libraries - 1963-1967 Monographic text , 1969 It's a part of > Instrument Maintenance Management - Proceedings of the First National ISA Instrumentation Maintenance Symposium, April 18-19, 1966, Wilmington, Delaware / Insutrment Society of America ; Hugh S. Wils... Monographic text New York ; London - Johnson reprint corporation, 1971 It's a part of > ?Las ?leys d'amors / publie par Joseph Anglade Monographic text 4- / Athenaeus Cambridge (Mass.) - Harvard University press ; London - Heinemann, 1969 It's a part of > The deipnosophists - in seven volumes / Athenaeus ; with an English translation by Charles Burton Gulick Monographic text 4- / edited by Anthony A. Albanese New York ; London-Academic press, 1970 It's a part of > Newer methods of nutritional biochemistry - with applications and interpretations / edited by Anthony A. Albanese Monographic text 4- / edited by J. F. Danielli, M. D. Rosenberg, D. A. Cadenhead , 1971 It's a part of > Progress in surface and membrane science / edited by J. F. Danielli, M. D. Rosenberg, D. A. Cadenhead Monographic text 4- / hrsg. von K. Weierstrass New York - Chelsea, 1969 It's a part of > C. G. J. Jacobi's gesammelte werke / hrsg. auf veranlassung der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenchaften Monographic text 4- / O. Lowenstein New York ; London - Academic press, 1971 It's a part of > Advances in comparative physiology and biochemistry / edited by O. Lowenstein Monographic text 4- 1048-1357 / by Walter A. Reiser jr Boston ; Toronto - Little, Brown and c., 1970 It's a part of > 1970 pocket supplement / by Walter A. Reiser, °poi Richmond Rucker Monographic text 4- 1655-1658 Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. - Oceana, c1969 It's a part of > The Consolidated treaty series / edited and annotated by Clive Parry Monographic text 4- 1663 Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California press, 1971 It's a part of > The diary of Samuel Pepys - a new and complete transcription / edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. Contributing editors- William A. Armstrong (et al.) Monographic text 4- 18. century / by Pietro Zampetti Leigh-on-Sea - Lewis, 1971 It's a part of > A dictionary of Venetian painters / by Pietro Zampetti Monographic text 4- 1826-1828 It's a part of > The collected letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle / general editor Charles Richard Sanders ; poi editors Clyde de L. Ryals, Kenneth J. Fielding Monographic text 4- 1829-1832 / edited by John Spencer Bassett New York - Kraus reprint, 1969 It's a part of > Correspondence of Andrew Jackson / edited by John Spencer Bassett Monographic text |