Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 1575 of 2606       

Grey, Henry George (Earl ; 3.)
The Colonial Policy of Lord John Russell's Administration
New York - A. M. Kelley, 1970
Monographic text

Grey, Zane
The lone star ranger / Zane Grey
New York - Pocket books, 1969
Monographic text

Griaule, Marcel
Conversations with Ogotemmeli - an introduction to Dogon religious ideas / by Marcel Griaule ; with an introduction by Germaine Dieterlen
London etc. - Oxford University, 1970
Monographic text

Gribble, Francis
The royal house of Portugal
Port Washington N.Y. - Kennikat Press, (1970)
Monographic text

Grieder, Jerome B.
Hu Shih and Chinese Renaissance - liberalism in the Chinese revolution, 1917-1937 / Jerome B. Grieder
Cambridge - Harvard university press, 1970
Monographic text

Grieder, Jerome B.
Hu Shih and the chinese renaissance - liberalism in the chinese revolution, 1917-1937 / Jerome B. Grieder
Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard University Press, 1970
Monographic text

Grieder, Jerome B.
The Hu Shih and the Chinese Renaissance - liberalism in the Chinese revolution, 1917-1937 / Jerome B. Grieder
Cambridge (Mass.)- Harvard University press, c1970
Monographic text

Grieg, Edvard
Piano concerto in a minor - opus 16 / Grieg
New York - Music minus one, c1970

Gries, David
Compiler construction for digital computers / David Gries
New York etc. - J. Wiley, c1971
Monographic text

Grieve, M.
Culinary herbs and condiments / by M. Grieve
New York - Dover Publications, 1971
Monographic text

Grieve, Maud
A modern herbal- the medicinal, culinary, cosmetic and economic properties, cultivation and folk-lore of herbs, grasses, fungi, shrubs, & trees with all their modern scientific uses / by M. Grieve. ; with an introduction by the editor, C. F. Leyel
New York, Dover, 1971
Monographic text

Grieves, Forest L.
Supranationalism and international adjudication / by Forest L. Grieves
Urbana etc. - University of Illinois press, 1969
Monographic text

Griffel, William
Beam formulas / William Griffel
New York - F. Ungar, 1970
Monographic text

Griffin, C.W.
Systems - an approach to school construction / c.W. Griffin, jr
New York - educational facilities laboratories, 1971
Monographic text

Griffin, Donald Redfield
Animal structure and function / Donald R. Griffin, Alvin Novick
New York (etc.) - Holt, Rinehart and Wilson, 1970
Monographic text

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