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1970 International Automobile Safety Conference compendium New York - Society of Automotive Engineers, c1970 Monographic text International chess congress (1909 ; S.Pietroburgo) The international chess congress, St. Petersburg, 1909 / edited with the co-operation of the tournament committee by dr. Emanuel Lasker New York - Dover, 1971 Monographic text International Committee on Haemostasis and Thrombosis Plasma fractions for the treatment of hemophilia ; *Anticoagulant therapy - standardization of tests - transactions of the conference held under the auspices of the International Commettee on Haemostasis and Thrombosis, Washington, D. C.,U.S.A., December 1967 / P. A. Owren ... (and others) Stuttgart, New York - Schattauer, 1969 Monographic text International conference (on) immunologic intervention (1971 ; Brook Lodge) Immunologic intervention - Proceedings of an International Conference Held at Brook Lodge, Augusta, Michigan April 26-28, 1971 / edited by Jonathan W. Uhr and Maurice Landy New York ; London - Academic press, c1971 Monographic text International conference (on) radiation effects in insulators (3. ; 1985 ; Guildford, Surrey) Radiation effects in insulators-3 - proceedings of the third international conference Guildford, Surrey 15-19 july 1985 / editors Ian H. Wilson and Roger P. Webb New York (etc.) - Gordon and Breach, copyr. 1969-1986 Monographic text International Conference Immunological Tolerance (1968 ; Brook Lodge) Immunological tolerance - a reassessment of mechanism of the immune response - proceedings on an International Conference held at Brook Lodge, Augusta, Michigan, September 10-20, 1968 / ed. by Maurice Landy and Werner Braun New York ; London - Academic Press, 1969 Monographic text International conference on atomic physics (1. ; 1968 ; New York) Atomic physics - proceedings of the first international conference on Atomic Physics, june 3-7, 1968, New York City / Editors Benjamin Bederson, Victor W. Cohen and Francis M.J. Pichanick New York - Plenum Press, 1969 Monographic text International conference on cattle diseases (6 ; 1970 ; Philadelphia) Proceedings of the 6. international conference on cattle diseases, Bellevue Statford Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. S. A., August 16-20, 1970 / edited by Richard A. McFeely, Guy E. Morse and Eric I. Williams Philadelphia - Stllwater, 1970 Monographic text International Conference on Central Asia (1969 ; New Delhi) Central Asia - movement of peoples and ideas from times prehistoric to modern / ed. by A. Guha New York - Barnes & Noble, 1971 Monographic text International Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics International Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics - (proceeding s) / edited by Allan Gewirtz and Louis V. Quintas New York - New York Academy of Sciences, 1970 It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Monographic text International conference on culture collections (1968 ; Tokio) Culture collections of micro-organisms - proceedings of the international conference on culture collections - Tokyo, oct. 7-11 1968 / editors in chief Hiroshi IIzuka and Takezi Hasegawa ; editors Yukinori Tsunematsu ... (and others) Baltimore - University park press, 1970 Monographic text International conference on ferrites (1970 ; Kyoto) Ferrites - proceedings of the international conference / edited by Yasushi Hoshino, Shuichi Iida, and Mitsuo Sugimoto Baltimore - University Park Press, (1971) Monographic text International conference on germinal center of lymphatic tissue (2. ; 1968 ; Padua) Lymphatic tissue and germinal centers in immune response - proceedings of the 2. international conference on Germinal of lymphatic tissue, held in Padua, Italy, June 26-28, 1968 / edited by L. Fiore-Donati and M.G. Hanna New York - Planum Press, 1969 Monographic text International conference on global impacts of applied microbiology (2 ; 1967 ; Addis Abeba) Second international conference on global impacts of applied microbiology - held at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 6-11, 1967 / editor- Elmer L. Gaden jr New York etc. - Interscience publishers, 1969 Monographic text International conference on high energy collisions (3. ; 1969 ; Stony Brook) High energy collisions - 3. International conference held at State university of New York, Stony Brook, September 5 and 6, 1969 / organized by C. N. Yang ... and others New York etc. - Gordon and Breach, c1969 Monographic text |