Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 1751 of 2606       

Jordan, Robert S.
International administration - its evolution and contemporary applications / ed. by R. S. Jordan
New York - Oxford university press, 1971
Monographic text

Jordan, Robert Thayer
Tomorrow's library - direct access and delivery
New York ; London - Bowker, 1970
Monographic text

Jordan, Thomas F.
Linear operators for quantum mechanics / Thomas F. Jordan
New York (etc.) - John Wiley & Sons, c1969
Monographic text

Jordan, Thomas F.
Linear operators for quantum mechanics / Thomas F. Jordan
Duluth (Minnesota) - T. F. Jordan, ©1969
Monographic text

Jordan, William A.
Airline regulation in America - effects and imperfections / William A. Jordan
Baltimore (etc.) - The John Hopkins press, c1970
Monographic text

Jordan, Winthrop D.
The negro versus equality, 1762-1826 / edited by Winthrop D. Jordan
Chicago - Rand McNally, c1969
Monographic text

Jordan, Winthrop D.
White over black - American attitudes toward the negro, 1550-1812 / Winthrop D. Jordan
Baltimore - Penguin books, 1969
Monographic text

Jordan, Winthrop D.
White over black - American attitudes toward the negro, 1550-1812 / Winthrop D. Jordan
Baltimore - Penguin books, 1971
Monographic text

Jorgensen, Joseph G.
Salish language and culture - a statistical analysis of internal relationships, history, and evolution / (by) Joseph G. Jorgensen
Bloomington - Indiana University, (1969)
Monographic text

Jorgensen, Paul A.
Our naked frailties - sensational art and meaning in Macbeth / Paul A. Jorgensen
Berkeley - University of California Press, 1971
Monographic text

Jorns, Auguste
The Quakers as Pioneers in Social Work / by Auguste Jorns ; translated by Thomas Kite Brown
Montclair (N.J.) - Patterson Smith, 1969
Monographic text

Jorpes, J. Erik
Jac. Berzelius - his life and work / by J. Erik Jorpes ; translated from the Swedish manuscript by Barbara Steele
Berkley ; Los Angeles - University of californai Press, 1970
Monographic text

Jorrin, Miguel
Latin-American political thought and ideology / by Miguel Jorrín and John D. Martz
Chapel Hill - The University of North Carolina Press, c1970
Monographic text

Joseph, Gerhard
John Barth / by Gerhard Joseph
Minneapolis - University of Minnesota Press, 1970
Monographic text

Joseph, Philip
Foreign diplomacy in China - 1894-1900 - a study in political and economic relations with China / by Philip Joseph
New York - Octagon books, 1971
Monographic text

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