Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 1901 of 2606       

Lowy, Bernard
Tremellales / by Bernard Lowy
New York - published for Organization for Flora Neotropica by Hafner, 1971
Monographic text

Lu, Chyi Kang
Systems for responding to freeway accidents - an annotated bibliography / (by) Chyi Kang Lu and Gopal Agarwal
Washington - Highway research board, 1971
Monographic text

Lubbock, John (1834-1913)
Pre-historic times - as illustrated by ancient remains and the manners andcustoms of modern savages / by John Lubbock
New York - Books for libraries press, 1971
Monographic text

Lubeck, Vincent
Orgelwerke / Vincent Lübeck ; herausgegeben von Hermann Keller
Frankfurt (etc. - Peters, ©1969

Lubell, Samuel
The hidden crisis in American politics / Samuel Lubell
New York - Norton & co, 1970
Monographic text

Lubenow, William C.
The politics of government growth - early Victorian attitudes toward state intervention, 1833-1848 / William C. Lubenow
Newton Abbot - David & Charles, 1971
Monographic text

Lubin, Ernest
The Piano duet - a guide for pianists / by Ernest Lubin
New York - Grossman, 1970
Monographic text

Lubkin, Yale Jay
Filter systems and design - electrical, microwave, and digital / Yale Jay Lubkin
Reading, Massachusetts (etc.) - Addison-Wesley, c 1970
Monographic text

Lubman, Stanley B.
Materials on contemporary Chinese legal institutions / Stanley Lubman
Berkeley - School of law, 1970-1971?
Monographic text

Lubove, Roy
Twentieth-Century Pittsburgh - government, business, and environmental change / Roy Lubove
New York - Knopf, c1969
Monographic text

Luby, Barry J.
Unamuno a la luz del empirismo logico contemporaneo / Barry J. Luby
New York - Las Americas Publishing, 1969
Monographic text

Lucas, Christopher
Indonesia is a happening / by Christopher Lucas
New York ; Tohyo - Walker/Weatherhill, 1970
Monographic text

Lucas, Cyril Edward
International fishery bodies of the North Atlantic / by C. E. Lucas
Kinngston(R.I.) - University of Rhode Island, 1970
Monographic text

Lucas, Jim G.
Agnew - profile in conflict / Jin G. Lucas
New York - Award books ; London - Tandem Books, c1970
Monographic text

Lucas, Jo Desha
Cases and materials on admiralty / by Jo Desha Lucas
Mineola ; New York - Foundation Press, 1969
Monographic text

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