Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 1903 of 2606       

Lucas, Jo Desha
9- ° United States courts of appeals, jurisdiction and practice / by Jo Desha Lucas
New York - M. Bender, 1971
It's a part of > Moores federal practice / by James Wm. Moore ... °et al.
Monographic text

Lucas, Lawrence
Black priest/White church - catholics and racism / by Lawrence Lucas
New York - Random House, 1970
Monographic text

Luccock, Halford E.
American mirror - social, ethical and religious aspects of American literature / Halford E. Luccock
New York - Cooper Square, 1971
Monographic text

Luce, Don
Viet Nam-The unheard voices ... / foreword by Edvard M. Kennedy
Ithaca ; London - Cornell Univ. Press, 1970
Monographic text

Luce, Gay Gaer
Biological rhythms in human and animal physiology / by Gay Gaer Luce
New York - Dover, 1971
Monographic text

Luce, Gordon Hannington
Old Burma-Early Pagan / by Gordon H. Luce ; assisted by Bo-Hmu Ba Shin, U Tin Oo, the staff of the Burma historical commission, the Burma archaeological department and many others friends
Locust Valley, N.Y. - published for Artibus Asiae and the Institute of fine arts (by J. J. Augustin, 1969-1970
Monographic text

Luchins, Abraham S.
The search for factors that extremize the autokinetic effect / Abraham S. Luchins and Edith H. luchins
New York - Faculty Student association, 1969
Monographic text

Lucia, Salvatore Pablo
Wine and your well-being / by Salvatore Pablo Lucia
New York - Popular Library, c1971
Monographic text

Lucifer (vescovo di Cagliari)
Luciferi Calaritani Opuscula / recensuit et commentario critico instruxit Guilelmus Hartel
New York - Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1970
Monographic text

Luckau, Alma
The German delegation at the Paris Peace Conference / by Alma Luckau
New York - Howard Fertig, 1971
Monographic text

Luckett, Richard
The white generals - an account of the White Movement and the Russiam civil war / Richard Luckett
New York - The Viking Press, 1971
Monographic text

Lucretius Carus, Titus
Lucreti de rerum natura - libri sex / recognovit Guilmus Augustus Merrill
New York ; London - Johnson reprint corporation, 1971
Monographic text

Lucretius Carus, Titus
On the Nature of Things / translated by H. A. J. Munro ; The Discourses of Epictetus, translated by George Long ; The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, translated by George Long
Chicago ?etc.? - Benton-Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 1971
Monographic text

Lucretius Carus, Titus
The way things are - the De rerum natura of Titus Lucretius Carus / translated by Rolfe Humphries ; introduction by Burton Feldman ; notes by George K. Strodach
Bloomington - Indiana University Press, 1969
Monographic text

Ludewig, Hermann Ernst
The literature of American aboriginal languages / ?di? Hermann E. Ludewig ; with additions and corrections by Wm. W. Turner ; edited by Nicolas Trübner
New York - Kraus Reprint, 1971
Monographic text

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