Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 1946 of 2606       

Mason, Brian
The lunar rocks / Brian Mason, William G. Melson
New York (etc.) - Wiley-Interscience, c 1970
Monographic text

Mason, Daniel
Lenins impact on the United States / edited by Daniel Mason, Jessica Smith
New York - NWR Publications, 1970
Monographic text

Mason, Daniel Gregory
The Romantic composers / by Daniel Gregory Mason
Westport - Greenwood press, 1970
Monographic text

Mason, Douglas R.
Matrix / Douglas R. Mason
New York - Ballantine books, 1970
Monographic text

Mason, John Brown
Research resources - annotated Guide to the Social Sciences
Santa Barbara - American Bibliographical Center-Clio, 1968- .
Monographic text

Mason, John M.
Life science - a modern course / John M. Mason and Ruth T. Peters
New York - American book company, ©1969
Monographic text

Mason, Robert D.
Programmed learning aid for business and economic statistics / Robert D. Mason ; coordinating editor Roger H. Hermanson
Homewood (Illinois) - Learning systems, c1970
Monographic text

Mason, Robert D.
Statistical techniques in business and economics / Robert D. Mason
Homewood - R. D. Irwin ; Georgetown - Irwin-Dorsey, 1970
Monographic text

Mason, Stuart
Oscar Wilde - art & morality - a record of the discussion which followed the publication of "Dorian Gray" / by Stuart Mason
New York - Haskell House, 1971
Monographic text

Mason, Zane Allen
Frontiersmen of the faith - a history of Baptist pioneer work in Texas -1865-1885 / by Zane Allen Mason
San Antonio - Naylor Company, c1970
Monographic text

Masoro, Edward J.
Acid-base regulation - its physiology and pathophysiology / (by) Edward J. Masoro (and) Paul D. Siegel
Philadelphia - Saunders, 1971
Monographic text

Massa, Gaetano
The history of Puerto Rico / Gaetano Massa, Jose Luis Vivas
New York - Las america publishing Co., c1970
Monographic text

Massachusetts institute of technology
Sloan management review / Massachussets institute of technology
Cambridge (Mass.) - Industrial management review association, 1970-2000

Massachusetts institute of technology
Technology review / edited at the Massachusetts institute of technology
Cambridge (Mass.) - Association of alumni and alumnae of the Massachusetts institute of technology, -c1997

Massachusetts institute of technology - Department of electrical engineering
Advanced digital systems project laboratory - Lecture topic outline / M.I.T. Department of Electrical Engineering
(Cambridge (MA) - MIT, 1971)
Monographic text

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