Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1969-1971

Page no. 2368 of 2606       

Spoerri, Daniel
The mythological travels of a modern Sir John Mandeville / being an account of the Magic, Meatballs and other monkey business peculiar to the sejourn of Daniel Spoerri upon the Isle of Symi, together with divers speculations thereon ; translated out of the French and introduced by Emmet Williams
New York - Something Else, 1970
Monographic text

Spoerri, Otto
A new introducer for placement of the Holter ventriculocaval shunt / O. Spoerri and A. Benini
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n., 1969?)
Monographic text

Spohr, Louis
Louis Spohrs autobiography - translated from the German
New York - Da Capo press, 1969
Monographic text

Spohr, Louis
Sonata concertante for harp and violin, op. 115 / Ludwig Spohr ; revised and edited by Marjorie Call and Louis Kaufman
Bryn Mawr - Presser, ©1969

Spooner, Lysander
4- Anti-slavery writings / Lysander Spooner ; introductions by Charles Shively
Weston (MA) - M & S Press, 1971
It's a part of > The collected works of Lysander Spooner / biography and introductions by Charles Shively
Monographic text

Spooner, Lysander
The collected works of Lysander Spooner / biography and introductions by Charles Shively
Weston (MA) - M & S Press, 1971
Monographic text

Spooner, Lysander
1- Deist, postal & anarchist writings / Lysander Spooner ; biography and introductions by Charles Shively
Weston (MA) - M & S Press, 1971
It's a part of > The collected works of Lysander Spooner / biography and introductions by Charles Shively
Monographic text

Spooner, Lysander
5- Economic writings - 1. / Lysander Spooner ; introductions by Charles Shively
Weston (MA) - M & S Press, 1971
It's a part of > The collected works of Lysander Spooner / biography and introductions by Charles Shively
Monographic text

Spooner, Lysander
6- Economic writings - 2. / Lysander Spooner ; introductions by Charles Shively
Weston (MA) - M & S Press, 1971
It's a part of > The collected works of Lysander Spooner / biography and introductions by Charles Shively
Monographic text

Spooner, Lysander
An essay on the trial by jury / by Lysander Spooner
New York - Da Capo press, 1971
Monographic text

Spooner, Lysander
2- Legal writings - 1. / Lysander Spooner ; introductions by Charles Shively
Weston (MA) - M & S Press, 1971
It's a part of > The collected works of Lysander Spooner / biography and introductions by Charles Shively
Monographic text

Spooner, Lysander
3- Legal writings - 2. / Lysander Spooner ; introductions by Charles Shively
Weston (MA) - M & S Press, 1971
It's a part of > The collected works of Lysander Spooner / biography and introductions by Charles Shively
Monographic text

Sporn, Philip
Technology, engineering and economics / Philip Sporn
Cambridge (Mass.) etc. - The MIT press, c1969
Monographic text

Sposito, Garrison
An introduction to quantum physics / Garrison Sposito
New York (etc.) - John Wiley, c1970
Monographic text

Spotte, Stephen
Fish and invertebrate culture - water management in closed systems / Stephen H. Spotte
New York - Wiley-Interscience, ©1970
Monographic text

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