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(Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.) - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1973 Monographic text Mechanism of pesticide action - a symposium sponsored by the Division of pesticide chemistry at the 167. Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, Cali., april 2-3, 1974 / G. K. Kohn, ed Washington, D. C. - ACS, 1974 Monographic text Mechanisms in recombination / edited by Rhoda F. Grell New York - Plenum press, 1974 Monographic text Mechanisms of cell-mediated immunity / edited by Robert T. McCluskey, Stanley Cohen New York (etc.) - Wiley, c1974 Monographic text The mechanisms of energy transduction in biological systems / editor David E. Green New York - The New York academy of sciences, 1974 It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Monographic text Mechanisms of molecular migrations New York etc. - Interscience publ., c1968- Magazine Mechanisms of sleep / A. N. Shepoval'nikov Editor-in-chief Washington, D. C. - NASA, 1973 Monographic text Mechanisms of virus disease / edited by William S. Robinson, C. Fred Fox Menlo Park etc. - W. A. Benjamin, c1974 Monographic text 4- MECL integrated circuits (The place of publication is not referred) - Motorola, 1974 It's a part of > Semiconductor data library - series A / prepared by Technical Information Center Monographic text Media and first amendment in a free society - the Georgetown law journal / Foreword by Osmond K. Fraenkel ; introduction by honorable Sam Ervin, Reuven Frank & Walter Cronkite Amherst - The University of Massachusetts press, 1973 Monographic text Media report to women - what women are doing and thinking about the communication media / Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press 1 (1972)- . -Washington D.C. - Anaconda Press, 1972- Magazine 2- Mediaeval and Oriental numismatics / edited by Jacques Yvon and Helen W. Mitchell Brown New York - International Numismatic Commission, 1973 It's a part of > A survey of numismatic research 1966-1971 Monographic text Mediators of inflammation / edited by Gerald Weissmann New York ; London - Plenum press, c1974 Monographic text The medical and legal professions / selected and arranged by Walter H. Rubsamen New York & London - Garland, 1974 It's a part of > The ballad opera - a collection of 171 original textes of musical plays printed in photo-facsimile in 28 volumes / selected and arranged by Walter H. Rubsamen Monographic text Medical applications. Radiation biology New York - United Nations ; Vienna - International Atomic Energy Agency, 1972 It's a part of > Peaceful uses of atomic energy - proceedings of the 4. International conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy jointly sponsored by the United Nations and the International atomic energy agenc... Monographic text |