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1- Sancti Aureli Augustini de utilitate credendi ; de duabus animabus ; contra fortunatum ; contra adimantum ; contra epistulam fundamenti ; contra fastum / recensuit Iosephus Zycha New York °etc. - Johnson reprint corporation, 1972 It's a part of > Opera Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) 3- Sancti Aureli augustini quaestionum in heptateuchum libri 7. ; adnotationum in Iob liber unus / recensuit Iosephus Zycha New York etc. - Johnson reprint corporation, 1970 It's a part of > Opera Monographic text Auld, B. A. Acoustic fields and waves in solids / B. A. Auld New York etc. - John Wiley & Sons, c1973 Monographic text Aulnoy, Marie Cathérine - Jumel de Barneville, comtesse de Hypolitus Earl of Douglas / by Marie Catherine, comtesse d'Aulnoy. The island of content New York ; London - Garland, 1973 Monographic text Aulnoy, Marie Cathérine - Jumel de Barneville, comtesse de The prince of Carency / by Marie Catherine, comtesse d'Aulnoy ; with a new introduction for the Garland ed. by Josephine Grieder New York ; London - Garland, 1973 Monographic text Ault, Donald D. Visionary physics - Blakes response to Newton Chicago - Univ. of Chicago press, 1974 Monographic text Aumann, Robert J. Values of non-atomic games / by R. J. Aumann and L. S. Shapley Princeton, N.J. - Princeton University press, c1974 Monographic text Aurand, Leonard William Food chemistry / by L. W. Aurand and A. E. Woods Westport - AVI publishing Co., 1973 Monographic text Aureolus, Petrus (1280-1345?) Scriptum super primum Sententiarum / Peter Aureoli ; edited by Eligius M. Buytaert St. Bonaventure, N.Y. - The Franciscan Institute ; Louvain - Nauwelaerts ; Paderborn - Schöningh, 1952- . Monographic text Aurobindo (sri) The essential Aurobindo / edited by Robert A. McDermott New York - Schocken Books, (1973) Monographic text Auslander, Maurice Groups, rings, modules / Maurice Auslander, David A. Buchsbaum New York (etc.) - Harper and Row, c1974 Monographic text Austen, Jane Emma / Jane Austen ; an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews and criticism edited by Stephen M. Parrish New York ; London - Norton & company, c1972 Monographic text Austin, R. P. The stoichedon style in Greek inscriptions / by R. P. Austin New York - Arno Press, 1973 Monographic text Austria The general civil code of Austria / transl. from the German ed. of August 1, 1966 with the assistance of the 1866 transl. by prof. dr. J.R. von Winiwarter ; rev. and brought up to date and annotated by P. L. Baeck Dobbs Ferry - Oceana, 1972 Monographic text Automobile manufacturers association Automobiles of America - milestones, pioneers, roll call, highlights / by Automobile Manufacturers Association Detroit - Wayne State University, 1974 Monographic text |