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Capital flows and exchange-rate flexibility in the post-Bretton Woods era / John H. Makin Princeton - Princeton university press, 1974 Monographic text Makin, John H. Theory of macroeconomics / John H. Makin Hinsdale - The Dryden press, 1972 Monographic text Makoff, Karl Crowells handbook of contemporary american poetry / by Karl Malkoff New York - Crowell, c1973 Monographic text Makogonenko, Georgij Pantelejmonovic Poety XVIII veka / sostavlenie G. P. Makogonenko i I. Z. Sermana, vstupitel naja stat ja G. P. Makogonenko, biograficeskie spravki I. Z. Sermana, podgotovka teksta i primecanija N. D. Kocetkovoj Leningrad - Sovetskij pisatel, 1972 It's a part of > Biblioteka poeta osnovana M. Gorkim - Bol'saja serija vtoroe izdanie Monographic text Maksic, Sava Primitive Art of New Guinea - Sepik River Basin / Sava Maksic and Paul Meskil Worcester - davis Publications Inc., c1973 Monographic text Malamud, Bernard The natural / by Bernard Malamud New York - Pocket Books, 1973 Monographic text Malamud, Bernard A new life / by Bernard Malamud New York - Pocket Books, 1973 Monographic text Malamud, Bernard Rembrandt's hat / Bernard Malamud New York - Pocket books, 1974 Monographic text Malamud, Bernard Rembrandts hat / Bernard Malamud - New York - Farrar, Straus, Giroux, (19 73) Monographic text Malamud, Bernard The tenants / Bernard Malamud New York - Pocket Books, 1972 Monographic text Maldonado-Denis, Manuel Puerto Rico- a socio-historic interpretation / / Manuel Maldonado-Denis ; translated by Elena Vialo New York - Vintage Books, 1972 Monographic text Male, George Albert Struggle for power - who controls the schools in England and in the United States / George A. Male Beverly Hills - Sage, c1974 Monographic text Malecki, Edward S. Group politics - a new emphasis / Edward S. Malecki, H.R. Mahood New York - C. Scribner's sons, c1972 Monographic text Malek, Emile Abdel Medical and economic malacology / Emile A. Malek, Thomas C. Cheng New York ; London - Academic press, 1974 Monographic text Malek, James S. The arts compared - an aspect of eighteenth-century British aesthetics / by James S. Malek Detroit - Wayne State University press, 1974 Monographic text |