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Current problems of economic integration - the effects of reverse preferences on trade among developing countries / by Alister McIntyre New York - Unietd Nations, 1974 Monographic text McIntyre, Alister Les effets des preferences inverses sur le commerce entre pays en voie de developpement / par Alister McIntyre New York - Nations Unies, 1974 It's a part of > Problemes actuels d'integration economique Monographic text McKay, Claude The passion of Claude McKay - selected poetry and prose, 1912-1948 / edited with an introduction and notes by Wayne F. Cooper New York - Schocken books, c1973 Monographic text McKay, Douglas Carlos Arniches / by Douglas R. McKay New York - Twayne Publishers, 19 72 Monographic text McKay, Douglas Enrique Jardiel Poncela / by Douglas R. McKay New York - Twayne Publishers, 1974 Monographic text McKeachie, Wilbert J. Psychology- the short course / Wilbert James McKeachie, Charlotte Lackner Doyle Reading, Mass. - Addison-Wesley, c1972 Monographic text McKee, John W. Apollo experience report - crew-support activities for experiments performed during manned space flight / by John W. McKee Washington, D. C. - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1974 Monographic text McKee, Kenneth N. The role of the priest on the Parisian stage during the French revolution / by Kenneth N. McKee New York ; London - Johnson reprint, 1973 Monographic text McKelvey, Blake American urbanization - a comparative history / Blake McKelvey Glenview - Scott ; Foresman, (1973) Monographic text Mckelvey, James Lee George 3. and lord Bute - the Leicester house years / James Lee Mckelvey Durham (N.C.) - Duke University press, 1973 Monographic text Mckelvey, John J. (jr.) Man against tsetse - struggle for Africa / John J. McKelvey Ithaca ; London - Cornell university press, c1973 Monographic text McKenna, Joseph P. Aggregate economic analysis / Joseph P. McKenna Hinsdale - Dryden press, c1972 Monographic text McKenna, Joseph P. A handbook of price theory / Joseph P. McKenna New York etc. - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1972 Monographic text McKenna, Joseph P. The logic of price / Joseh P. McKenna Hinsdale, (Ill.) - Dryden Press, c1973 Monographic text McKenzie, Garry D. Man and his phisical environment / G. D. Mc Kenzie, R. O. Utgard Minneapolis - Burgess Publ. comp., 1972 Monographic text |