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When this you see remember me - Gertrude Stein in person / by W. G. Rogers New York - Avon books, 1973 Monographic text Rogers, William Warren Thomas County - 1865-1900 / William Warren Rogers Tallahassee - Florida State Univetsity Press, 1973 Monographic text Rogier, Philippe 1- Missa Philippus Secundus Rex Hispaniae ; Missa Inclita stirps Jesse ; Missa Dirige Gressus meos ; Missa Ego sum qui sum ... / edidit Lavern Wagner , 1974 It's a part of > Philippe Rogier. Opera Omnia / edidit Lavern Wagner Music Rogier, Philippe Philippe Rogier. Opera Omnia / edidit Lavern Wagner The place of publication is not referred - American Institute of Musicology, 1974-1976 Music Rogowski, Ronald Rational legitimacy - a theory of political support / Ronald Rogowski Princeton - Princeton University Press, c1974 Monographic text Rohde Sinclair, Eleanour Rose recipes - from olden times / Eleanour Sinclair Rohde ; decorated by Helen Kapp New York - Dover Publications, (1973) Monographic text Rohdendorf, Boris The historical development of Diptera / by Boris Rohdendorf ; translated from the russian by J. E. Moore and I. Thiele ; edited by Brian Hocking, Harold Oldroyd, George E. Ball Edmonton - University of Alberta Press, 1974 Monographic text Rohn, Peter H. - Introduction, main entry section - league of Nations treaty series / Peter H. Rohn Santa Barbara, California ; Oxford - ABC-Clio Information Services, c1974 It's a part of > World treaty index / Peter H. Rohn Monographic text Rohn, Peter H. 4- Chronological section, party section, international organization section, units self-index section / Peter H. Rohn Santa Barbara, California ; Oxford - ABC Clio, c1974 It's a part of > World treaty index / Peter H. Rohn Monographic text Rohn, Peter H. 2- Main entry section - United Nations treaty series, series 1, number 1-6485 / Peter H. Rohn Santa Barbara, California ; Oxford - ABC-Clio information services, c1974 It's a part of > World treaty index / Peter H. Rohn Monographic text Rohn, Peter H. 3- Main entry section - United Nations treaty series, series 1, numbers 6486-10841, series 2, numbers 1-657, national treaty collections / Peter H. Rohn Santa Barbara, California ; Oxford - ABC-Clio information services, c1974 It's a part of > World treaty index / Peter H. Rohn Monographic text Rohn, Peter H. 5- Topic section / Peter H. Rohn Santa Barbara, California ; Oxford - ABC-Clio information services, c1974 It's a part of > World treaty index / Peter H. Rohn Monographic text Rohrlich-Leavitt, Ruby The Puerto Ricans - culture chamge and language deviance / Ruby Rohrlich Leavitt Tucson - Published for the Wenner-Gren foundation for antrhopological research Inc. The Arizona University Press, c1974 Monographic text Rohwer, William D. Understanding intellectual development - three approaches to theory and practice / William D. Rohwer, Jr., Paul R. Ammon, Phebe Cramer Hinsdale, Ill. - The Dryden press, ©1974 Monographic text Roider, Karl A. (jr.) Maria Teresa / Karl A. Roider Monographic text |