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Washington - Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 1975 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text The condensed chemical dictionary / revised by Gessner G. Hawley New York etc. - van Nostrand Reinhold, c1977 Monographic text 2- Conditioning and behavior theory / edited by W.K. Estes Hillsdale - L. Erlbaum, 1975 It's a part of > Handbook of learning and cognitive processes / edited by W. K. Estes Monographic text Conditions for life / with introductions and additional material by Aharon Gibor San Francisco - Freeman, c1976 Monographic text The condor - a magazine of western ornithology (The place of publication is not referred) - Cooper ornithological club Magazine Confederation, Constitution, and early national period, 1781-1815 / compiled by E. James Ferguson Northbrook, Ill. - AHM publishing corporation, c1975 Monographic text Conference des Nations Unies sur la prescription en matiere de vente internationale d'objets mobiliers corporels - New York, 20 mai-14juin 1974 - documents officiels - documents de la conference et comptes rendus analytiques des seances plenieres et des seances des commissions principale New York - Nations Unies, 1975 Monographic text Conference for a new direction in US Korea policy - April 1-3 1977, New York City (The place of publication is not referred) - Committee for a new direction for US Korea policy, c1977 Monographic text Conference internationale du travail / Societe des Nations Washington - Imprimerie du Gouvernement, 1920- Magazine Conference on complex analysis - proceedings of Conference on complex analysis, State University of New York, Buffalo, Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 1973 / (edited by) W.R. Zame Buffalo - State Univ. of New York, 1975 Monographic text Conference record of the ninth annual ACM symposium on theory of computing - papers presented at the symposium Boulder, Colorado may 2-4, 1977 / sponsored by the association for computing machinery special interest group on automata and computability theory ; with the cooperation of the IEEE computer society technical committee on mathematical foundations of computing, and the university of Colorado New York - Association for computing machinery, c1977 Monographic text Conflict and control in late imperial China / edited by Frederic Wakeman, jr. and Carolyn Grant Berkeley etc. - University of California press, ©1975 Monographic text Conflict in America - a history of domestic confrontations / (radio interviews of Allen Weinstein ... and others Washington - Voice of America, 1976 Monographic text Conflicting objectives in decisions / edited by David E. Bell, Ralph L. Keeney, Howard Raiffa Chichester etc. - John Wiley, c1977 Monographic text Congenital malformations of the brain and skull Monographic text |