Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1975-1977

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Druxman, Michael B.
One good film deserves another / Michael B. Druxman
South Brunswick ; New York - A. S. Barnes, ©1977
Monographic text

Dryden, Edgar A.
Nathaniel Hawthorne - the poetics of enchantment / Edgar A. Dryden
Ithaca ; London - Cornell university press, 1977
Monographic text

Dryden, Edgar A.
Nathaniel Hawthorne- the poetics of enchantment / Edgar A. Dryden
Ithaca and London - Cornell University Press, 1977
Monographic text

Dryden, John
Dryden and Shadwell, the literary controversy and Mac Flecknoe (1668-1679) - facsimile reproductions / edited and with an introd. by Richard L. Oden
Delmar, N.Y - Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 1977
Monographic text

Dryden, John
15- Plays / John Dryden ; editor Earl Miner
Berkeley etc. - University of California Press, 1976
It's a part of > The works of John Dryden / John Dryden
Monographic text

Dryden, John
The works
Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California Press, 1956-
Monographic text

Dryhurst, Glenn
Electrochemistry of biological molecules / Glenn Dryhurst
New York - Academic Press, 1977
Monographic text

Du Bartas, Guillaume de Saluste (1544-1590)
Bartas - his Devine weekes and works, (1605) / translated by Josuah Sylvester
Delmar (N.Y.) - Scholars' facsmiles & reprints, 1977
Monographic text

Du Bois, W. E. B.
Book reviews by W. E. B. Du Bois / compiled and edited by Herbert Aptheker
Millwood °N. Y. - kto press, a U.S. division of Kraus-Thomson, c1977
Monographic text

Du Bois, W. E. B.
The world and Africa / W.E.B. Du Bois ; new introduction by Herbert Aptheker
Millwood, N.Y. - Kraus-Thomson, 1976
Monographic text

Du Caurroy, Eustache
Fantasies à 3-6 parties / Eustache du Caurroy
New York - Institute of Mediaeval music, ©1975
It's a part of > ?Les ?oeuvres completes de Eustache du Caurroy / editee par Blaise Pidoux

Du Caurroy, Eustache
Les oeuvres complètes de Eustache du Caurroy / editée par Blaise Pidoux
New York - Institute of Mediaeval music, ©1975-

Du Choul, Guillaume (16.sec.)
Discours de la religion des anciens Romains illustre - Lyon 1556 / Guillaume du Choul
New York ; London - Garland, 1976
Monographic text

Du Mont, Rosemary Ruhig
Reform and reaction - the big city public library in american life / Rosemary Ruhig Du Mont
Westport ; London - Greenwood press, 1977
Monographic text

Du Nay, Andre
The Early History of the Rumanian Language / Andrè Du Nay
Lake Bluff - Jupiter Press, 1977
Monographic text

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