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Ann Arbor, Mich. - Ann Arbor Science, 1978 Monographic text Individual differences in language ability and language behavior / edited by Charles J. Fillmore, Daniel Kempler, William S.-Y. Wang New York - Academic Press, 1979 Monographic text Individuality in learning / Samuel Messick & associates San Francisco - Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1978 Monographic text Industrial and engineering chemistry. Fundamentals Washington - (s.n.), 1962-1986 Magazine Industrial and engineering chemistry. Process design and development V. 1, n. 1 (1962)-v. 25, 1986 Magazine Industrial and engineering chemistry. Process design and developments Easton (PA) - American chemical society, 1962-1986 Magazine Industrial and engineering chemistry. Product research and development V. 1 (1962)-v. 25, 1986 Magazine Industrial and engineering chemistry. Product, research and development Washington - American chemical society, 1962-1986 Magazine Industrial and hazardous wastes impoundment / Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Paul N. Chreminoff, Fred Ellerbusch, Angelo J. Perna Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor Science, c1979 Monographic text Industrial and institutional waste heat recovery / edited by P. G. Stecher Park Ridge, N.J - Noyes Data Corp, 1979 Monographic text Industrial and labor relations report , Inizia nel 1964 Magazine Industrial design - published for industrial designers and for executives throughout industry who are concerned with product planning and development - including product design, materials specifications, exhibits packaging, graphics and marketing New York, N.Y. - Whitney publications, 1954-1978 Magazine Industrial development survey / United Nations Industrial Development Organization New York, 1969- Magazine Industrial hygiene and toxicology / editor Frank A. Patty New York - Interscience Publishers, 1958- Monographic text Industrial hygiene digest Pittsburgh - Industrial health foundation Magazine |