Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1978-1979

Page no. 858 of 1896       

American meat science association
Guidelines for cookery and sensory evaluation of meat / published by American meat science association
Chicago - AMSA, ©1978
Monographic text

American Meteorological Society
Fourth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation of the American Meteorological Society - April 10-14, 1978, Denver, Colorado
Boston -AMS, c1978
Monographic text

American Micro-systems
Mos integrated circuits - theory, fabrication, design, and systems applications of MOS LSI / prepared by the Engineering Staff of American Micro-systems Inc. ; edited by William M. Penney, Lillian Lau
Malabar (Florida) - Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1979
Monographic text

American National Standards Institute
Criteria for the design of plants for the manufacture of mixed oxide (U-Pu) fuels / American national standards institute
New York - American institute of chemical engineers, c1978
Monographic text

American National Standards Institute
Design, construction and operation of ventilation systems for mixed oxide (UO2-PuO2) fuel fabrication plants / American national standards institute
New York - American institute of chemical engineers, c1979
Monographic text

American National Standards Institute
Guide for control of gasborne radioactive materials at nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities / American national standards institute
New York - American institute of chemical engineers, c1979
Monographic text

American National Standards Institute - Subcommittee N. 43.1
Radiation safety for X-ray diffraction and fluorescence analysis equipment / dell' American National Standards Institute, Subcommittee N. 43-1 ; under the sponsorship of the National Bureau of Standards
Washington - U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1978
Monographic text

American National Standards Institute - Subcommittee N43-3.2
Classification of industrial ionizing radiation gauging devices / American National Standards Institute, Subcommittee N43-3.2
Washington - U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1979
Monographic text

American numismatic society (New York)
The collection of the American numismatic society
New York - American numismatic society, 1969-
Monographic text

American petroleum institute
API bulletin on nondestructive testing terminology / American petroleum institute
Dallas - American petroleum institute, 1978
Monographic text

American petroleum institute
Api specification for casing, tubing, and drill pipe / American petroleum institute
Dallas - American petroleum institute, 1979
Monographic text

American petroleum institute
Api specification for high-test line pipe / American petroleum institute
Dallas - American petroleum institute, 1978
Monographic text

American petroleum institute
Api specification for line pipe / American petroleum institute
Dallas - American petroleum institute, 1978
Monographic text

American petroleum institute
Api specification for subsurface sucker rod pumps and fittings / American petroleum institute
Dallas - American petroleum institute, 1979
Monographic text

American petroleum institute
Emergency planning and mutual aid for products terminals and bulk plants / American petroleum institute
Washington - American petroleum institute, 1978
Monographic text

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