Page no. 166 of 1988 |
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Dearborn, Mich. - Robotics International of SME, c1981 It's a part of > Industrial robots / William R. Tanner, editor Monographic text Applications of adaptive control / edited by Kumpati S. Narendra, Richard V. Monopoli New York etc. - Academic Press, 1980 Monographic text Applications of artificial intelligence for organic chemistry - the DENDRAL project / Robert K. Lindsay ... and others New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1980 Monographic text Applications of economic principles in public utility industries / edited by W. Sichel and T.G. Gies (The place of publication is not referred) - The University of Michigan, 1981 Monographic text Applications of glass capillary gas chromatography / edited by Walter G. Jennings New York ; Basel - M. Dekker, c1981 Monographic text Applications of management science - a research annual Greenwich (CT) - Jai Press, 1981- Magazine Applications of nonlinear analysis in the physical sciences - invited papers presented at a workshop at Bielefeld, Federal Republic of Germany, 1-10 October 1979 / edited by H. Amann, N. Bazley, K, Kirchgassner Boston etc. - Pitman advanced publishing program, 1981 Monographic text 2- Applications of personal control / edited by Andrew Baum, Jerome E. Singer Hillsdale (N.J.) - LEA, 1980 It's a part of > Advances in enviromental psychology Monographic text Applications of photochemistry in probing biological targets / edited by Andrew M. Tometsko and Frederic M. Richards New York, N.Y - New York Academy of Sciences, 1980 It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Monographic text Applications of polymer concrete / David W. Fowler chairman ACI Committee 448; Lawrence E. Kukacka symposium chairman Detroit - American Concrete Institute, c1981 Monographic text Part B- Applications systems design and economics It's a part of > Solar energy technology handbook / editors William C. Dickinson, Paul N. Cheremisinoff Monographic text Applied and environmental microbiology Washington, DC - American society for microbiology, 1976- Magazine Applied biochemistry and biotechnology Clifton, N.J. - The Humana Press, 1981- Magazine Applied combinatorial mathematics / the authors- George Polya ... and others ; editor Edwin F. Beckenbach Malabar, Florida - R. E. Krieger, 1981 Monographic text 1- Applied geophysics - introduction to geophysical prospecting / by Gerhard Dohr New York - Halsted press ; Chichester - Wiley Ltd., ©1981 It's a part of > Geology of petroleum / edited by Heinz Beckmann Monographic text |