Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1980-1981

Page no. 182 of 1988       

Audio-visual communications
New York - United Business Publications, 1976-

Audit and evaluation of computer security 2 - System Vulnerabilities and Controls - Proceedings of the NBS Invitational Workshop - held at Miami Beach, Florida, November 28-30, 1978 / Editor- Zella G. Ruthberg
Washington - National Bureau of Standards, 1980
Monographic text

Auditory and visual pattern recognition / edited by David J. Getty and James H. Howard
Hillsdale - L. Erlbaum, 1981
Monographic text

Auditory processing and language - clinical and research perspectives / edited by Philip J. Levinson, Christine Sloan
New York - Grune & Stratton, 1980
Monographic text

The Auerbach annual 1980 - best computer papers / editor Isaac L. Auerbach
New York ; Oxford - Elsevier North-Holland, c1980
Monographic text

August Sander - photographs of an epoch 1904-1959 - man of the twentieth century, Rhineland landscapes, nature studies, architectural and industrial photographs, images of Sardinia / preface by Beaumont Newhall ; historical commentary by Robert Kramer ; accompanied by excerpts fron the writings of August Sander and his contemporaries
New York - Aperture, c1980
Monographic text

The augusta chronicle - the south's oldest newspaper. Enstabilished 1789
Augusta - the Augusta chronicle publishing Co

The augustan age
Columbia, MO - The Virgilian society of America, 1981-1992

Augustinian studies - annual publication of the Augustinian Institute
Villanova, PA - Villanova University, 1970-

The auk - a journal of ornithology / American Ornithologists' Union
Boston - American ornithologists union, 1884-

L' aurora - periodico anarchico
West Hoboken (N. J.) - (s.n.

Aurora und Chrisliche Woche - herausgegeben zum besten des D.R.K. Waisenhauses
Buffalo - s.n.

The Auschwitz album - a book based upon an album discovered by a concentration camp survivor, Lili Meier / text by Peter Hellman
New York - Random haouse, c1981
Monographic text

The Auschwitz album - Lili Jacob's album / edited by Serge Klarsfeld
New York - Beate Klarsfeld foundation, 1980
Monographic text

Australian health survey, 1977-78. Episodes (admissions and discharges) in hospitals
Canberra - Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1981
Monographic text

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