Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1980-1981

Page no. 450 of 1988       

Indiana theory review
Bloomington - Indiana University, (1977)-

Indiana university mathematics journal
Bloomington - Indiana university mathematics, 1970-

Indicators_of crime and criminal justice- quantitative studies / edited by Stephen E. Fienberg, Albert J. Reiss
Washington - U.S. Department of justice, 1980
Monographic text

3- Indice / por Donald J. Lehnus
Albany, N.Y. - Forest press, 1980
It's a part of > Sistema de clasificacion decimal / planeado originalmente por Melvil Dewey ; adaptado y traducido bajo la direccion de Jorge Aguayo ; con adaptaciones para los paises de habla espanola ; indice por D...
Monographic text

Indigenous knowledge systems and development / edited by David Brokensha, D.M. Warren, Oswald Werner
Lanham (etc.) - University press of America, c1980
Monographic text

Individual and environment - monozygotic twins reared apart / by Niels Juel-Nielsen
New York, International Univerities Press,_1980
Monographic text

Individual differences and universals in language learning aptitute / Karl C. Diller, editor
Rowley - Newbury House, c1981
Monographic text

Individual onsite wastewater systems - proceedings of the Sixth National Conference 1979 / edited by Nina I. McClelland
Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor science, c1980
Monographic text

1- Individual studies / edited by Anne O. Krueger ... (and others
Chicago ; London - The university of Chicago press, 1981
It's a part of > Trade and employment in developing countries
Monographic text

Individual visions- Harvey Himelfarb, Diana Schoenfeld, Jacqueline Thurston - june 6-july 20, 1980 San Francisco Museum of modern art / (Dorothy Martinson)
San Francisco - Museum of modern art, c1980
Monographic text

Individuals as producers of their development - a life-span perspective / edited by Richard M. Lerner, Nancy A. Busch-Rossnagel ; with a foreword by Orville G. Brim, jr
New York - Academic Press, 1981
Monographic text

Indonesia - employment and income distribution in Indonasia / Mark Leiserson ... and others
Washington - The world bank, 1980
Monographic text

The Indonesian economy / edited by Gustav F. Papanek
New York - Praeger, 1980
Monographic text

Induced disease drug, irradiation, occupation / edited by Leslie Preger ; foreword by R.E. Steiner
New York ?etc.? - Grune & Stratton, c1980
Monographic text

Industrial and engineering chemistry. Fundamentals
Washington - (s.n.), 1962-1986

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