Page no. 505 of 1988 |
New York (NY) - American association of neuropathologists, 1942- Magazine Journal of neurophysiology Bethesda (MD) - American physiological society (etc. , 1938- Magazine Journal of neuroscience - the official journal of the Society for neuroscience New York (NY) - Society for neuroscience, (©1981- Magazine Journal of neuroscience research - JNR New York, N.Y. - Liss, 1975- Magazine Journal of neurosurgery Chicago (IL) (etc. - Harvey Cushing society, 1944- Magazine Journal of nondestructive evaluation New York ; London - Plenum Press, 1981- Magazine Journal of nonverbal behavior New York - Human sciences press, 1979- Magazine The journal of nuclear medicine - official publication Society of nuclear medicine Chicago (IL) - published by Samuel N. Turiel, 1960- Magazine Journal of nuclear medicine (1978) - JNM New York - Society of nuclear medicine, 1978- Magazine Journal of nuclear medicine technology - JNMT - the official publication of the Technology section, Society of nuclear medicine New York, N.Y. - Society of nuclear medicine, Technologist section, 1973- Magazine Journal of nuclear medicine. Supplements Vol.1(1968)- Magazine Journal of number theory New York and London - Academic Press, 1969- Magazine Journal of nursing administration Vol.1(1971)- Magazine Journal of nursing education Thorofare, NJ - Slack Magazine The journal of nutrition - JN - official organ of the American institute of nutrition Philadelphia (PA) - Wistar institute of anatomy and biology, 1928- Magazine |