Page no. 638 of 1988 |
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Gainesville (Fla) Magazine The origin of academic geography in the United States / edited by Brian W.Blouet ; with the assistance of Teresa L.Stitcher Hamden, Conn. - Archon books, 1981 Monographic text Origins and evolution of eukaryotic intracellular organelles / edited by Jerome F. Fredrick New York - New York academy of sciences, 1981 It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Monographic text The origins of life and evolution - proceedings of a symposium held at the Marine biological laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts / editors Harlyn O. Halvorson, K. E. Van Holde New York - Alan Liss, c1980 Monographic text Ornament and architecture- Renaissance drawings, prints and books - an exhibition by the Department of art, Brown university Bell Gallery, List art center Brown university, Providence, Rhode Island - March 8 through April 6, 1980 Providence - Department of art Brown university, c1980 Monographic text Orthography, reading, and dyslexia / edited by James F. Kavanagh and Richard L. Venezky Baltimore - University Park Press, c1980 Monographic text The orthopedic clinics of North America Philadelphia (PA) (etc. - W. B. Saunders, 1970 Magazine Orthopedics Thorofare (NJ) - Slack, 1978- Magazine Orthosilicates / Paul H. Ribbe, editor Washington, D. C. - Mineralogical society of America, 1980 It's a part of > Reviews in mineralogy Monographic text Osiris - a research journal devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences Philadelphia - Department of history and sociology of science, University of Pennsylvania Magazine Oskar Kokoschka (1886-1980) - memorial exhibition - 9 May-13 June 1981 Marlboro ugh Gallery ... 26 June-31 July 1981 Marlborough Fine Art (London) New York - Marlborough Gallery ; London - Marlborough Fine Art, æ1981Á Monographic text Osterreich in Amerikanischer sicht- das osterreichbild im amerikanischen schulunterricht - 2. osterreich seminare des american Council for the study of Austrian Literature (ACSAL) anlasslich der Jahrestagungen der American association of teachers of German (AATG) / Hrsg. Herbert Lederer, Maria Luise Caputo Mayr New York - Austrian Institute, 1981 Monographic text Osterreichische historische Bibliographie - Funf-Jahres-Register Santa Barbara - Clio, 1974- Magazine The Other Toussaint - a modern biography of Pierre Toussaint, a Post-Revolutionary Black / by Ellen Tarry Boston - St. Paul Editions, c1981 Monographic text Other ways of growing old - anthropological perspectives / edited by Pamela T.Amoss and Stevan Harrell Stanford - Stanford University press, 1981 Monographic text |