Page no. 799 of 1988 |
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Urbana - Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois, 1980 It's a part of > Studies in the linguistic sciences Monographic text Studies in Aristotle / edited by Dominic J. O'Meara Washington, D.C - Catholic University of America Press, c1981 Monographic text Studies in art history presented at the middle atlantic symposium in the history of art College Park, Maryland- University of Maryland Magazine Studies in avian biology - a publication of the Cooper Ornithological Society (The place of publication is not referred) - Cooper Ornithological Society, 1978- Magazine Studies in bibliography - papers of the Bibliographical society of the University of Virginia Charlottesville - University press of Virginia, 1948- Magazine Studies in bibliography and booklore Cincinnati - Library of Hebrew union college, Jewish institute of religion, 1953- Magazine Studies in Cheremis Folklore / Edited by Thomas A. Sebeok Bloomington - Indiana University, 1952- Monographic text Studies in child language and multilingualism / edited by Virginia Teller and Sheila J. White New York, N.Y - New York Academy of Sciences, 1980 It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Monographic text Studies in comparative communism Los Angeles - University of Southern California, 1968-1992 Magazine Studies in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic / edited by A. O. Slisenko ; traslated from Russian New York - Consultans bureau, 1969- Monographic text Studies in Cypriote archaeology / edited by Jane C. Biers, David Soren Los Angeles - University of California, Institute of archaeology, c1981 Monographic text Studies in Ecuadorian Indian languages Norman - Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma, 1962- . Monographic text Studies in education Stanford - Stanford University, 1896- Magazine Studies in Eighteenth-century culture Cleveland ; London - The Press of Case Western reserve university, 1971- Magazine Studies in English literature - 1500-1900 Baltimore - Johns Hopkins University press, 1961- Magazine |