Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1980-1981

Page no. 809 of 1988       

Svoboda - official organ of Ukranian National Association
Jersey city - Ukranian national

Sweat of the sun, tears of the moon- gold and emerald treasures of Colombia - the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, July 4-September 6, 1981 / essays by- Peter T. Furst ... (and others) ; introduction by Luis Duque Gomez ; plate captions by Warwick M. Bray ; color photography by Harold and Erica Van Pelt
Los Angelese - Terra Magazine pubblications ; Natural History Museum Alliance, ©1981
Monographic text

Sweated industries - a handbook of the Daily news exhibition / edited by Richard Mudie-Smith
New York ; London - Garland, 1980
Monographic text

Sylloge inscriptionum graecarum et latinarum Macedoniae - (1896) / edidit Margarites G. Demitsas
ChicagoAres, 1981
Monographic text

Sylloge nummorum graecorum - The Burton Y. Berry collection
New York - The American Numismatic Society, 1961- .
Monographic text

Symbol as sense - new approaches to the analysis of meaning / edited by Mary LeCron Foster, Stanley H. Brandes
New York etc. - Academic press, c1980
Monographic text

Symbolic interaction - official journal of the Society for the study of symbolic interaction
Berkeley - University of California press

Symbolism and cognition / Special issue editors- Clark E. Cunningham (and others)
Washington - American ethnological society, 1981
It's a part of > American ethnologist / American anthropological association
Monographic text

Symmetries in Science ..
New York ; London - Plenum Press, pref. 1980-

Symmetries in science / edited by Bruno Gruber, Richard S. Millman
New York ; London - published in cooperation with the Illinois academy of science by Plenum, c1980
Monographic text

4- The Symphony in Madrid - seven symphonies / edited by Jacqueline A. Shadko
New York ; London - Garland, 1981

1- The symphony in Norway / edited by Bjarne Kortsen
New York ; London - Garland, 1981

2- Symposia
East Lansing - Philosophy of science, 1981
It's a part of > PSA 1978 - proceedings of the 1978 biennial meeting of the Philosophy of science association / edited by Peter D. Asquith & Ian Hacking
Monographic text

Symposium (international) on combustion - combustion and detonation waves
Baltimore - The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1953-1998

Symposium - a journal devoted to modern foreign languages and literatures
Syracuse (New York) - University, 1946-

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