Page no. 1264 of 1988 |
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Paleogeography of Archaeological sites of the Larnaca Lowlands, southeastern Cyprus Ann Arbor ; London - University Microfilms International, 1980 Monographic text Gilbert, Alan Marx's politics - communists and citizens / Alan Gilbert New Brunswick, N. J. - Rutgers university press Monographic text Gilbert, B. Miles Mammalian osteology / by B. Miles Gilbert Columbia (MO, USA) - Missouri Archaeological Society, 1990 Monographic text Gilbert, Creighton Italian art, 1400-1500 - sources and documents / Creighton E. Gilbert Evanston, Il. - Northwestern University Press, copyr. 1980 Monographic text Gilbert, Felix The Pope, his banker and Venice / Felix Gilbert Cambridge (Mass.) ; London, - Harvard university press, c1980 Monographic text Gilbert, George Photography- the early years - a historical guide for collectors / George Gilbert New York - Harper & Row, c1980 Monographic text Gilbert, James Burkhart Another chance - postwar America, 1945-1068 / James Gilbert New York - Knopf, 1981 Monographic text Gilbert, James N. Criminal investigation / James N. Gilbert Columbus (etc.) - C.E. Merrill, c1980 Monographic text Gilbert, Lynn Particular passions - talks with women who have shaped our times / by Lynn Gilbert and Gaylen Moore New York - C. N. Potter ; distributed by Crown, c1981 Monographic text Gilbert, Milton Quest for world monetary order - the gold-dollar system and its aftermath / Milton Gilbert New York (etc. - John Wiley & sons, c1980 Monographic text Gilbert, Sandra M. The madwoman in the Attic - the woman writer and the nineteenth-century literary imagination / Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, stampa 1980 Monographic text Gilbert, William On the loadstone and magnetic bodies / by William Gilbert. Concerning the two new sciences Monographic text Gilbert, William (1544-1603) On the loadstone and magnetic bodies / by William Gilbert . Concerning the two new sciences / by Galileo Galilei . On the motion of the heart and blood in animals. On the circulation of the blood. On the generation of animals / byWilliamHarvey Chicago (etc.) - Encyclopaedia britannica, printing 1980 Monographic text Gilberto, Joao Amoroso/Brasil / Joao Gilberto Burbank - Warner Bros, (1981) Audio recording Gilbertus -de Hoylandia (1172m.) 4- Treatises, epistles and sermons - with a letter of Roger of Byland, The milk of babes ; and an edition and translation of the works of Master Gilbert, abbot, from MS Bodley 87, the Bodleian Library / translated with an appendix by Lawrence C. Braceland Kalamazoo, Michigan - Cistercian publications, 1981 It's a part of > The works of Gilbert of Hoyland / translated and introduced by Lawrence C. Braceland Monographic text |