Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1980-1981

Page no. 1284 of 1988       

Gradstejn, Izrail Solomonovic
Table of integrals, series, and products / I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik ; incorporating the 4. ed. prepared by Yu V. Geronimus and M. Yu Tseytlin ; translated from the Russian by Scripta technica and edited by Alan Jeffrey
San Diego etc. - Academic press, c1980
Monographic text

Gradstejn, Izrail Solomonovic
Table of integrals, series, and products / I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik ; translated from the Russian by Scripta technica and edited by Alan Jeffrey
Orlando (etc. - Academic press, 1980
Monographic text

Grady, C. P. Leslie (jr.)
Biological wastewater treatment - theory and applications / C. P. Leslie Grady, Jr. and Henry C. Lim
New York ; Basel - Marcel Dekker, c1980
Monographic text

Graebner, William
A history or retirement - the meaning and function of an American institution, 1885-1978 / William Graebner
New Haven (etc.) - Yale university, c1980
Monographic text

Graesser, Arthur C.
Prose comprehension beyond the word / Arthur C. Graesser
New York - Springer-Verlag, c1981
Monographic text

Graesser, Arthur C.
Prose comprehension beyond the world / Arthur C. Graesser
New York- Springer-Verlag, 1981
Monographic text

Graetzer, Hans G.
The discovery of nuclear fission / Hans G. Graetzer, David L. Anderson
New York - Arno press, 1981
Monographic text

Graf, Alfred Byrd
Tropica - color cyclopedia of exotic plants and trees ... / Alfred Byrd Graf
East Rutheford (US) - Rohers Company, 1981
Monographic text

Graff, Gerald
Poetic statement and critical dogma / Gerald Graff
Chicago ?etc.? - The University of Chicago press, 1980
Monographic text

Graff, Harvey J.
Literacy in history - an interdisciplinary research bibliography / Harvey J. Graff
Monographic text

Graffi, Dario
Nonlinear partial differential equations in physical problems / D. Graffi
Boston ; London ; Melbourne - Pitman, c1980
Monographic text

Graham, Daniel A.
Microeconomics - The analysis of choice / Daniel A. Graham
Lexington ; Toronto - D. C. Heath, c1980
Monographic text

Graham, Gordon
Automated inventory management - for the distributor / Gordon Graham
Boston, Mass. - CBI, c1980
Monographic text

Graham, Loren R.
Between science and values / Loren R. Graham
New York - Columbia University Press, copyr. 1981
Monographic text

Graham, Neill
Introduction to Pascal / Neill Graham
St. Paul, (etc.) - West Publishing company, c1980
Monographic text

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