Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1980-1981

Page no. 1287 of 1988       

Gray, William R.
Voyages to paradise - exploring in the wake of Captain Cook / by William R. Gray ; photographed by Gordon W. Gahan
Washington - National Geographic Society, c1981
Monographic text

Graybeal, Wayne J.
Simulation- principles and methods / Wayne J. Graybeal, Udo W. Pooch
Cambridge, Mass. - Winthrop, c1980
Monographic text

Grayson, George W.
The politics of Mexican oil / George W. Grayson
Pittsburgh - University of Pittsburgh Press, c1980
Monographic text

Greaves, Richard L.
Society and religion in Elisabethan England / Richard L. Greaves
Minneapolis - University of Minnesota press, 1981
Monographic text

Greeley, Andrew M.
The cardinal sins
New York - Warner books, 1981
Monographic text

Greeley, Richard S.
Solar heating and cooling of buildings / by Richard S. Greely, Robert P. Ouellette, Paul N. Cheremisinoff
Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor science, c1981
Monographic text

Green, Alberto Ravinel Whitney
The role of human sacrifice in the ancient near east / by Alberto Ravinel Whitney Green
Ann Arbor - University Microfilms International, stampa 1981
Monographic text

Green, Bennie
Bennie Green
, (Stati Uniti - Bainbridge - pc1981
Monographic text

Green, Charles
Edward Albee, an annotated bibliography, 1968-1977 / Charles Lee Green
New York - AMS Press, c1980
Monographic text

Green, Earl Leroy
Genetics and probability in animal breeding experiments - a primer and reference book on probability, segregation, assortment, linkage and mating systems for biomedical scientists who breed and use genetically defined laboratory animals for research / Earl L. Green
Oxford - Oxford university press, 1981
Monographic text

Green, Elizabeth Milton
Luminosity functions of bright red giant stars in globular clusters / Elizabeth Melton Green
Ann Arbor - UMI, 1981
Monographic text

Green, J. A. (James Alexander)
Polynomial representations of GLn / J. A. Green
New York - Springer, 1980
Monographic text

Green, James Robert
The world of the worker - labor in twentieth-century America / James R. Green ; consulting editor Eric Foner
New York - Hill and Wang, 1980
Monographic text

Green, Joe
Xylophonia / by Joe Green ; arranged for xilophone solo and mallet ensemble by Dean Witten
San Antonio (Texas) - Southern Music Company, ©1980

Green, Morris
Pediatric diagnosis - interpretation of symptoms & signs in infants, children, and adolescents / Morris Green
Philadelphia - Saunders, ©1980
Monographic text

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