Page no. 1774 of 1988 |
Soldiers of the night - the story of the French Resistance / David Schoenbrun New York - New American Library, 1981 Monographic text Schoenfeld, Bernard C. Macao / directed by Josef von Sternberg ; screenplay by Bernard C. Schoenfeld and Stanley Rubin New York - F. Ungar, c1980 Monographic text Schofield, K. Aromatic nitration / Kenneth Schofield Cambridge - Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1980 Monographic text Scholder, Fritz Scholder - Plains Art Museum, Moorhead / (Fritz Scholder) (The place of publication is not referred - s.n., 1980?) Monographic text Scholem, Gershom From Berlin to Jerusalem - memories of my youth / Gershom Scholem Monographic text Scholem, Gershom Walter Benjamin - the story of a friendship / Gershom Scholem ; translated from the German by Harry Zohn Philadelphia - The Jewish publication Society of America, 1981 Monographic text Scholes, Robert Elements of fiction - an anthology / Robert Scholes New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1981 Monographic text Scholle, Peter A. Deposition, diagenesis, and hydrocarbon potential of deeper-water limestones / Peter A. Scholle Tulsa - AAPG, 1981 Monographic text Scholtz, P. L. Race relations at the cape of Good Hope, 1652-1795 - a select bibliography / P. L. Scholtz, H. C. Bredekamp, H. F. Heese Boston (Mass.) - G. K. Hall & Co., 1981 Monographic text Scholz, Janos Janos Scholz, musician and collector - 8 march to 28 may, 1980, the Snite Museum of Art, O'Shaughnessy Galleries, University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, Ind.) - The University of Notre Dame, c1980 Monographic text Schomerus, H. W. Der Caiva-Siddhanta - eine Mystik Indiens - Nach den tamulischen Quellen Bearbeitet und dargestellt / von H. W. Schomerus New York ; London - Garland, 1981 Monographic text Schonberg, Harold C. Facing the music / by Harold C. Schonberg New York - Summit Books, 1981 Monographic text Schonberg, Harold C. The lives of the great composers / Harold C. Schonberg New York ; London - W. Norton, copyr. 1981 Monographic text Schoolman, Morton The imaginary witness - the critical theory of Herbert Marcuse / Morton Schoolman New York - the Free press, 1980 Monographic text Schoonover, Shirley Mountain of winter / Shirley Schoonover New York - Avon, 1980 Monographic text |