Page no. 90 of 1983 |
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It's a part of > The plays of George Colman the Elder / edited with an introduction Kalman A. Burnim Monographic text 5 / Aaron N. Wise New York - Boardman, c1976- It's a part of > Trade secrets and know-how throughout the world / by Aaron N. Wise Monographic text 5 / David Hume Indianapolis - Liberty classics, c1983 It's a part of > The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688 / David Hume Monographic text 5 / ed. by B. Kazan New York (etc.)- Academic press, 1982 It's a part of > Advances in image pickup and display / edited by B. Kazan Monographic text 5 / edited by Edward C. Lim New York (etc.) - Academic press, 1982 It's a part of > Excited states / edited by Edward C. Lim Monographic text 5 / edited by George T. Tsao ; associate editors M. C. Flickinger and R. K. Finn New York - Academic press, 1982 It's a part of > Annual reports on fermentation processes Monographic text 5 / edited by Hans Neurath, Robert L. Hill ; assisted byCarol-Leigh Boeder New York (etc.) - Academic Press, 1982 It's a part of > The proteins / edited by Hans Neurath, Robert L. Hill ; assisted by Carol-Leigh Boeder Monographic text 5 / edited by Julian R. Youmans Philadelphia (etc.) - Saunders, 1982 It's a part of > Neurological surgery - a comprehensive reference guide to the diagnosis and management of neurosurgical problems / edited by Julian R. Youmans Monographic text 5 / edited by Paul J. Scheuer New York (etc.) - Academic press, 1983 It's a part of > Marine natural products - chemical and biological perspectives / edited by Paul J. Scheuer Monographic text 5 / edited by U. Grugull... (and others) Washington (etc.) - Hemisphere, 1982 It's a part of > Heat transfer 1982 - proceedings of the Seventh International Heat Transfer Conference, Munchen, Fed. Rep. of Germany / edited by U. Grigull ... (et al.) Monographic text 5 / editors J. A. S. Evans, R. W. Unger (The place of publication is not referred) - university of british columbia, 1982 It's a part of > Studies in medieval and renaissance history / edited by William M. Bowsky Monographic text 5 / Louis Meites, Petr Zuman, Elinore B. Rupp Boca Raton, Florida - CRC, c1982 It's a part of > CRC handbook series in organic electrochemistry / Louis Meites, Petr Zuman ; and William J. Scott ... et al. Monographic text 5 - / Hugh Page Taylor assisted by Roger James Bender , 1982 It's a part of > Uniforms, organization and history of the Waffen-SS / by Roger James Bender and Hugh Page Taylor Monographic text 5 - 1983 Greenwich, Connecticut - Jai press, 1983 It's a part of > Research in social movements, conflicts and change - an annual compilation of research Monographic text 5 - January - June 1942. Nos. 118-142 , 1983 It's a part of > Weekly political intelligence summaries / Great Britain, Foreign Office ; introduction by Clifton Child Monographic text |