Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1982-1983

Page no. 487 of 1983       

International journal of dermatology - a journal of continuing medical education - official organ of the International society of tropical dermatology, (-1997) ; of the International society of dermatology,
Oxford (etc. - Blackwell science (etc. , 1970-

International journal of energy research
New York (NY) - John Wiley, 1977-

International journal of energy systems / International Association of science and technology for development
Anaheim USA - Acta press, -1993

International journal of environmental analytical chemistry
New York - Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1971-

International journal of environmental studies
New York, NY - Gordon and Breach, 1970-

International journal of fertility / published by I.F.A. International fertility association
New York - I.F.A. ; poi Stockholm - the Almqvist et Wiksell periodical company ; poi Lawrence - Allen press, c1955-c1992

International journal of group psychotherapy - official publication of the American group psychotherapy association
New York (NY) (etc. - International universities press, 1951-

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics - the official organ of the International federation of gynaecology and obstetrics. - Vol. 7, n. 1 (Feb. 1969)- . - Baltimore (MD) - Hoeber medical division, Harper & Row, (©1969- . - v. - ill. . 24 cm. (Bimestrale, dal 1989 mensile. - Official publications of the International fertility research program (1977?-Feb. 1983); Family health international, Mar. 1983- . - Il formato varia- 26 cm.

International journal of gynecological pathology - official journal of the International society of gynecological pathologists
New York (NY) - Raven press, (©1982- )

International journal of health services - planning, administration, evaluation
Westport (CN) - Greenwood periodicals, 1971-

International journal of infrared and millimeter waves
New York ; London - Plenum press, 1980-

International journal of legal information
Nashville (Tennessee) - s.n. , 1982-

International journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences
Greenville, North Carolina - International journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences, 1978-

International journal of mechanical sciences
Oxford ; New York - Pergamon, 1960-

International journal of modelling and simulation - a journal of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development
Anaheim (California) - Acta,

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