Page no. 1600 of 1983 |
Broadway babies - the people who made the American musical / Ethan Mordden New York - Oxford university press, 1983 Monographic text Morehead, Joe Introduction to United States public documents / Joe Morehead Littleton - Libraries Unlimited, 1983 Monographic text Morel, François M. M. Principles of aquatic chemistry / Francois M. M. Morel New York (etc.) - Wiley, 1983 Monographic text Morell, David Political conflict in Thailand - reform, reaction, revolution / David Morell, Chai-anan Samudavanija Cambridge, Mass. - Oelgeschlager (etc.), 1982 Monographic text Morell, Martin New evidence for the biographies of Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli / Martin Morell (The place of publication is not referred - s.n., 1983?) Monographic text Moretti, Aldo The rediscovery of ceratozamia kuesteriana (zamiaceae) in Mexico / Aldo Moretti, Sergio Sabato, Mario Vazquez Torres Bronx - New York botanical garden, c1982 Monographic text Morgan, Carlisle Lee Basic principles of computed tomography / by Carlisle Lee Morgan ; with a contribution on computer theory and applications by Michael D. Miller Baltimore - University park press, 1983 Monographic text Morgan, Christopher L. 8086/8088 16-bit microprocesor primer / By Christopher L. Morgan and Mitchell Waite New York - McGraw-Hill, c1982 Monographic text Morgan, David Vernon An introduction to semiconductor microtechnology / D. V. Morgan, K. Board Chichester - Wiley, 1983 Monographic text Morgan, Hal Amazing 3-D / Hal Morgan and Dan Symmes Boston ; Toronto - Little Brown & Company, (c1982) Monographic text Morgan, Joe P. Techniques of veterinary radiography / J. P. Morgan, Sam Silverman Davis - Veterinary radiology associates, 1982 Monographic text Morgan, Joseph R. Hawaii - a geography / Joseph R. Morgan ; contributors- Willard T. Chow (e altri) Boulder - Westview, 1983 Monographic text Morgan, Leslie K. Zarker Between french and italian in Orgier le danois - Ms. Marc. Fr. 13. = 256 - dissertation / Leslie K. Zarker Morgan Ann Arbor - University microfilms international, 1985 Monographic text Morgan, Robin Depth perception - new poems and a masque / Robin Morgan New York - Anchor ; Doudleday, 1982 Monographic text Morgan, Thomas R. Foundations of wave theory for seismic exploration / Thomas R. Morgan Boston - International human resources development corporation, c1983 Monographic text |