Page no. 1853 of 1983 |
Love known - theology and experience in George Herberts poetry / Richard Strier Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, 1983 Monographic text Strock, O. J. Telemetry computer systems - an introduction / by O. J. Strock Research Triangle Park, N.C. - Instrument society of America, c1983 Monographic text Stromberg, Roland N. Redemption by war - the intellectuals and 1914 / Roland N. Stromberg Lawrence - The Regent press of Kansas, c1982 Monographic text Strong, John S. The legend of King Asoka - a study and translation of the Asokavadana / John S. Strong Princeton - Princeton University Press, c1983 Monographic text Strong, Josiah Studies in the Gospel of the Kingdom - a course of study on living social problems in the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Series no. 1 / Josiah Strong, D.D., editor New York, - The American institute of social service, 1910- Magazine Strouse, Charles Domani - dalla colonna sonora originale del film Annie / canto- Ilaria Stagni e Orfanelle ; (versione italiana di) P. Limiti, Lubiak, F. Migliacci . Vita da Knock Out - dalla colonna sonora originale del film Annie / canto- Ilaria Stagni, Laura Migliacci e coro ; (versione italiana di) F. Migliacci ; music by Charles Strouse (entrambi) ; lyrics by Martin Chamin (entrambi) (USA) - CBS, (1982) Audio recording Struble, Raimond A. Nonlinear differential equations / Raimond A. Struble Malabar - Krieger, 1983 Monographic text Strumingher, Laura S. What were little girls and boys made of? - primary education in rural France - 1830-1880 / Laura S. Strumingher Albany - State University of New York press, c1983 Monographic text Struppa, Daniele Carlo (1955-....) The fundamental principle for systems of convolution equations / by Daniele Carlo Struppa Providence, R. I. - AMS, 1983 It's a part of > Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Monographic text Stuart, Jesse The best-loved short stories of Jesse Stuart / selected and with commentary by H. Edward Richardson ; with an introduction by Robert Penn Warren New York - McGraw-Hill, 1982 Monographic text Stuart, Karlton Black history and achievement in America - an overview of the black struggle - its heroes and heroines / Karlton Stuart The place of publication is not referred - Karlt Books, 1982 Monographic text Stuart, Reginald C. War and American thought - from the Revolution to the Monroe Doctrine / Reginald C. Stuart Kent - Kent State University Press, c1982 Monographic text Stuart, Smith One for Syl - for Solo Vibraphone / Stuart Smith Somers - Somers Music Publications, c1982 Music Stubblebine, James H. Dugento painting - an annotated bibliography / James H. Stubblebine Boston - G.K. Hall, copyr. 1983 Monographic text Stubbs, Michael Discourse analysis - the sociolinguistic analysis of natural language / Michael Stubbs Oxford - Basil Blackwell, 1983 Monographic text |